Module Documentation

This page contains documentation to everything symfit has to offer.


class, *ordered_data, absolute_sigma=None, **named_data)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract Base Class for all fitting objects. Most importantly, it takes care of linking the provided data to variables. The allowed variables are extracted from the model.

__init__(model, *ordered_data, absolute_sigma=None, **named_data)[source]
  • model – (dict of) sympy expression or Model object.
  • bool (absolute_sigma) – True by default. If the sigma is only used for relative weights in your problem, you could consider setting it to False, but if your sigma are measurement errors, keep it at True. Note that curve_fit has this set to False by default, which is wrong in experimental science.
  • ordered_data – data for dependent, independent and sigma variables. Assigned in the following order: independent vars are assigned first, then dependent vars, then sigma’s in dependent vars. Within each group they are assigned in alphabetical order.
  • named_data – assign dependent, independent and sigma variables data by name.

Standard deviation can be provided to any variable. They have to be prefixed with sigma_. For example, let x be a Variable. Then sigma_x will give the stdev in x.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Read-only Property

Returns:Data belonging to each dependent variable.
Return type:dict with variable names as key, data as value.
execute(*args, **kwargs) →[source]

Every fit object has to define an execute method. Any * and ** arguments will be passed to the fitting module that is being wrapped, e.g. leastsq.

Args kwargs:
Returns:Instance of FitResults

Read-only Property

Returns:Data belonging to each independent variable.
Return type:dict with variable names as key, data as value.
Returns:Initial guesses for every parameter.

Read-only Property

Returns:Data belonging to each sigma variable.
Return type:dict with variable names as key, data as value.


class, *ordered_data, absolute_sigma=None, **named_data)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract Base Class for all fitting objects. Most importantly, it takes care of linking the provided data to variables. The allowed variables are extracted from the model.

__init__(model, *ordered_data, absolute_sigma=None, **named_data)[source]
  • model – (dict of) sympy expression or Model object.
  • bool (absolute_sigma) – True by default. If the sigma is only used for relative weights in your problem, you could consider setting it to False, but if your sigma are measurement errors, keep it at True. Note that curve_fit has this set to False by default, which is wrong in experimental science.
  • ordered_data – data for dependent, independent and sigma variables. Assigned in the following order: independent vars are assigned first, then dependent vars, then sigma’s in dependent vars. Within each group they are assigned in alphabetical order.
  • named_data – assign dependent, independent and sigma variables data by name.

Standard deviation can be provided to any variable. They have to be prefixed with sigma_. For example, let x be a Variable. Then sigma_x will give the stdev in x.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Read-only Property

Returns:Data belonging to each dependent variable.
Return type:dict with variable names as key, data as value.
execute(*args, **kwargs) →[source]

Every fit object has to define an execute method. Any * and ** arguments will be passed to the fitting module that is being wrapped, e.g. leastsq.

Args kwargs:
Returns:Instance of FitResults

Read-only Property

Returns:Data belonging to each independent variable.
Return type:dict with variable names as key, data as value.
Returns:Initial guesses for every parameter.

Read-only Property

Returns:Data belonging to each sigma variable.
Return type:dict with variable names as key, data as value.
class sympy.core.relational.Relational, model:[source]


Constraints are a special type of model in that they have a type: >=, == etc. They are made to have lhs - rhs == 0 of the original expression.

For example, Eq(y + x, 4) -> Eq(y + x - 4, 0)

Since a constraint belongs to a certain model, it has to be initiated with knowledge of it’s parent model. This is important because all numerical_ methods are done w.r.t. the parameters and variables of the parent model, not the constraint! This is because the constraint might not have all the parameter or variables that the model has, but in order to compute for example the Jacobian we still want to derive w.r.t. all the parameters, not just those present in the constraint.

__init__(constraint: sympy.core.relational.Relational, model:[source]
  • constraint – constraint that model should be subjected to.
  • model – A constraint is always tied to a model.


alias of Equality

Returns:Jacobian ‘Matrix’ filled with the symbolic expressions for all the partial derivatives. Partial derivatives are of the components of the function with respect to the Parameter’s, not the independent Variable’s.
Returns:lambda functions of each of the components in model_dict, to be used in numerical calculation.
Returns:lambda functions of the jacobian matrix of the function, which can be used in numerical optimization.
class, *ordered_data, absolute_sigma=None, **named_data)[source]


Wrapper for NumericalLeastSquares to give it a more appealing name. In the future I hope to make this object more intelligent so it can search out the best fitting object based on certain qualifiers and return that instead.

class, popt, pcov, infodic, mesg, ier, ydata=None, sigma=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class to display the results of a fit in a nice and unambiguous way. All things related to the fit are available on this class, e.g. - parameters + stdev - R squared (Regression coefficient.) - fitting status message

This object is made to behave entirely read-only. This is a bit unnatural to enforce in Python but I feel it is necessary to guarantee the integrity of the results.

__init__(params, popt, pcov, infodic, mesg, ier, ydata=None, sigma=None)[source]

Excuse the ugly names of most of these variables, they are inherited. Should be changed. from scipy. :param params: list of Parameter‘s. :param popt: best fit parameters, same ordering as in params. :param pcov: covariance matrix. :param infodic: dict with fitting info. :param mesg: Status message. :param ier: Number of iterations. :param ydata:


Pretty print the results as a table. :return:


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Read-only Property.


Read-only Property.


Read-only Property.


r_squared Property.

Returns:Regression coefficient.

Read-only Property.

class, *args, constraints=None, **kwargs)[source]


Fit using a Maximum-Likelihood approach.

error_func(p, data)[source]

Error function to be maximised(!) in the case of likelihood fitting.

  • p – guess params
  • data – xdata

scalar value of log-likelihood

eval_jacobian(p, data)[source]

Jacobian for likelihood is defined as \(\nabla_{\vec{p}}( \log( L(\vec{p} | \vec{x})))\).

  • p – guess params
  • data – data for the variables.

array of length number of Parameter‘s in the model, with all partial derivatives evaluated at p, data.

class, *args, constraints=None, **kwargs)[source]


Maximize a model subject to constraints. Simply flips the sign on error_func and eval_jacobian in order to maximize.

class, *args, constraints=None, **kwargs)[source]


Minimize a model subject to constraints. A wrapper for scipy.optimize.minimize. Minimize currently doesn’t work when data is provided to Variables, and doesn’t support vector functions.

__init__(model, *args, constraints=None, **kwargs)[source]

Because in a lot of use cases for Minimize no data is supplied to variables, all the empty variables are replaced by an empty np array.

Constraints:constraints the minimization is subject to.
error_func(p, data)[source]

The function to be optimized. Scalar valued models are assumed. For Minimize the thing to evaluate is simply self.model(*(list(data) + list(p)))

  • p – array of floats for the parameters.
  • data – data to be provided to Variable‘s.
eval_jacobian(p, data)[source]

Takes partial derivatives of model w.r.t. each Parameter.

  • p – array of floats for the parameters.
  • data – data to be provided to Variable‘s.

array of length number of Parameter‘s in the model, with all partial derivatives evaluated at p, data.


Read-only Property of all constraints in a scipy compatible format.

Returns:dict of scipy compatible statements.
class*ordered_expressions, **named_expressions)[source]

Bases: object

Model represents a symbolic function and all it’s derived properties such as sum of squares, jacobian etc. Models can be initiated from several objects:

a = Model.from_dict({y: x**2})
b = Model(y=x**2)

Models are callable. The usual rules apply to the ordering of the arguments:

  • first independent variables, then dependent variables, then parameters.
  • within each of these groups they are ordered alphabetically.
__call__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Evaluate the model for a certain value of the independent vars and parameters. Signature for this function contains independent vars and parameters, NOT dependent and sigma vars.

Can be called with both ordered and named parameters. Order is independent vars first, then parameters. Alphabetical order within each group.

  • args
  • kwargs

A namedtuple of all the dependent vars evaluated at the desired point. Will always return a tuple, even for scalar valued functions. This is done for consistency.

__init__(*ordered_expressions, **named_expressions)[source]

Initiate a Model from keyword arguments:

b = Model(y=x**2)
  • ordered_expressions – sympy Expr
  • named_expressions – sympy Expr

Pretty print this model.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Returns:List of tuples of all bounds on parameters.
Returns:Symbolic Square root of \(\chi^2\). Required for MINPACK optimization only. Denoted as \(\sqrt(\chi^2)\)

Return a symbolic jacobian of the \(\sqrt(\chi^2)\) function. Vector of derivatives w.r.t. each parameter. Not a Matrix but a vector! This is because that’s what leastsq needs.

Returns:Symbolic \(\chi^2\)
classmethod from_dict(model_dict)[source]

Initiate a Model from a dict:

a = Model.from_dict({y: x**2})

Prefered syntax.

Parameters:model_dict – dict of Expr, where dependent variables are the keys.
Returns:Jacobian ‘Matrix’ filled with the symbolic expressions for all the partial derivatives.

Partial derivatives are of the components of the function with respect to the Parameter’s, not the independent Variable’s.

Returns:lambda function of the .chi method, to be used in MINPACK optimisation.
Returns:lambda functions of the jacobian of the .chi method, which can be used in numerical optimization.
Returns:lambda function of the .chi_squared method, to be used in numerical optimisation.
Returns:lambda functions of each of the components in model_dict, to be used in numerical calculation.
Returns:lambda functions of the jacobian matrix of the function, which can be used in numerical optimization.
Returns:Residual sum of squares. Similar to chi_squared, but without considering weights.
Returns:Returns a list of dependent, independent and sigma variables, in that order.
class, *ordered_data, absolute_sigma=None, **named_data)[source]


Solves least squares numerically using leastsqbounds. Gives results consistent with MINPACK except when borders are provided.

execute(*options, **kwoptions) →[source]
  • options – Any postional arguments to be passed to leastsqbound
  • kwoptions – Any named arguments to be passed to leastsqbound
class, popt, pcov, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Container for all the parameters and their (co)variances. Behaves mostly like an OrderedDict: can be **-ed, allowing the sexy syntax where a model is called with values for the Variables and **params. However, under iteration it behaves like a list! In other words, it preserves order in the params.


A user can access the value of a parameter directly through this object.

Parameters:name – Name of a Parameter. Naming convention: let a = Parameter(). Then: .a gives the value of the parameter. .a_stdev gives the standard deviation.

This method allows this object to be addressed as a dict. This allows for the ** unpacking. Therefore return the value of the best fit parameter, as this is what the user expects.

Parameters:param_name – Name of the Parameter whose value your interested in.
Returns:the value of the best fit parameter with name ‘key’.

Iteration over the Parameter instances. :return: iterator


Length gives the number of Parameter instances.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Parameters:paramParameter instance.
Returns:returns the standard deviation of param
Parameters:paramParameter instance.
Returns:returns the numerical value of param
Returns:All Parameter names., fit_result:, data: collections.OrderedDict) → float[source]

Calculates the coefficient of determination, R^2, for the fit.


class symfit.core.argument.Argument(name=None, *sympy_args, **sympy_kwargs)[source]

Bases: sympy.core.symbol.Symbol

Base class for symfit symbols. This helps make symfit symbols distinguishable from sympy symbols.

The Argument class also makes DRY possible in defining Argument‘s: it uses inspect to read the lhs of the assignment and uses that as the name for the Argument is none is explicitly set.

For example:

x = Variable()
>> 'x'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class symfit.core.argument.Parameter(value=1.0, min=None, max=None, fixed=False, name=None, *sympy_args, **sympy_kwargs)[source]

Bases: symfit.core.argument.Argument

Parameter objects are used to facilitate bounds on function parameters.

  • self – Any subclass of sympy.Expr
  • values – Values for the Parameters and Variables of the Expr.

The function evaluated at values. Depending on the Expr and values, this could be a single number or an array.

__init__(value=1.0, min=None, max=None, fixed=False, name=None, *sympy_args, **sympy_kwargs)[source]
  • value – Initial guess value.
  • min – Lower bound on the parameter value.
  • max – Upper bound on the parameter value.
  • fixed (bool) – Fix the parameter to value during fitting.
  • name – Name of the Parameter.
  • sympy_args – Args to pass to sympy.
  • sympy_kwargs – Kwargs to pass to sympy.
class symfit.core.argument.Variable(name=None, *sympy_args, **sympy_kwargs)[source]

Bases: symfit.core.argument.Argument

Variable type.


This module makes sympy Epressions callable, which makes the whole project feel more consistent., **values)[source]
  • self – Any subclass of sympy.Expr
  • values – Values for the Parameters and Variables of the Expr.

The function evaluated at values. Depending on the Expr and values, this could be a single number or an array.


This module contains support functions and convenience methods used throughout symfit. Some are used predominantly internally, others are designed for users.[source]

Decorator function that gets a method as its input and either buffers the input, or returns the buffered output. Used in conjunction with properties to take away the standard buffering logic.

Returns:, symbols)[source]

Derive a symbolic expr w.r.t. each symbol in symbols. This returns a symbolic jacobian vector.

  • expr – A sympy Expr.
  • symbols – The symbols w.r.t. which to derive.[source]

Convenience function for the creation of multiple parameters.

Parameters:names – string of parameter names. Should be comma seperated. Example: a, b = parameters(‘a, b’)[source]

Seperate the symbols in symbolic function func. Return them in alphabetical order.

Parameters:func – scipy symbolic function.
Returns:(vars, params), a tuple of all variables and parameters, each sorted in alphabetical order.
Raises TypeError:
 only symfit Variable and Parameter are allowed, not sympy Symbols., vars, params)[source]

Turn a symbolic expression into a Python lambda function, which has the names of the variables and parameters as it’s argument names.

  • func – sympy expression
  • vars – variables in this model
  • params – parameters in this model

lambda function to be used for numerical evaluation of the model. Ordering of the arguments will be vars first, then params., vars, params)[source]

Convert a symbolic expression to one scipy digs. Not used by symfit any more.

  • func – sympy expression
  • vars – variables
  • params – parameters

Scipy-style function to be used for numerical evaluation of the model.[source]

Convenience function for the creation of multiple variables.

Parameters:names – string of variable names. Should be comma seperated. Example: x, y = variables(‘x, y’)


Some common distributions are defined in this module. That way, users can easily build more complicated expressions without making them look hard.

I have deliberately chosen to start these function with a capital, e.g. Gaussian instead of gaussian, because this makes the resulting expressions more readable.

symfit.distributions.Exp(x, l)[source]

Exponential Distribution pdf. :param x: free variable. :param l: rate parameter. :return: sympy.Expr for an Exponential Distribution pdf.

symfit.distributions.Gaussian(x, mu, sig)[source]

Gaussian pdf. :param x: free variable. :param mu: mean of the distribution. :param sig: standard deviation of the distribution. :return: sympy.Expr for a Gaussian pdf.