Source code for symfit.contrib.interactive_guess.interactive_guess

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ... import ODEModel, Derivative, latex
from import TakesData
from import keywordonly, key2str

import itertools

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


#from pkg_resources import parse_version

#SYMFIT_VERSION = symfit.version  # something something.
#if parse_version(SUPPORTED_VERSION) != parse_version(SYMFIT_VERSION):
#    raise EnvironmentError("Your symfit version is not supported. YMMV.")

[docs]class InteractiveGuess2D(TakesData): """A class that provides an graphical, interactive way of guessing initial fitting parameters."""
[docs] @keywordonly(n_points=100) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a matplotlib window with sliders for all parameters in this model, so that you may graphically guess initial fitting parameters. n_points is the number of points drawn for the plot. Data points are plotted as blue points, the proposed model as a red line. Slider extremes are taken from the parameters where possible. If these are not provided, the minimum is 0; and the maximum is value*2. If no initial value is provided, it defaults to 1. This will modify the values of the parameters present in model. :param n_points: The number of points used for drawing the fitted function. :type n_points: int """ n_points = kwargs.pop('n_points') super(InteractiveGuess2D, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if len(self.independent_data) != 1: raise IndexError("Only 2D problems are supported.") self._projections = list(itertools.product(self.model.independent_vars, self.model.dependent_vars)) x_mins = {v: np.min(data) for v, data in self.independent_data.items()} x_maxs = {v: np.max(data) for v, data in self.independent_data.items()} # Stretch the plot 10-20% in the X direction, since that is visually more # appealing. We can't evaluate the model for x < x_initial, so don't. for x in self.model.independent_vars: plotrange_x = x_maxs[] - x_mins[] if not hasattr(self.model, 'initial'): x_mins[] -= 0.1 * plotrange_x x_maxs[] += 0.1 * plotrange_x # Generate the points at which to evaluate the model with the proposed # parameters for plotting self._x_points = {v: np.linspace(x_mins[v], x_maxs[v], n_points) for v in self.independent_data} # Stretch the plot 20% in the Y direction, since that is visually more # appealing y_mins = {v: np.min(data) for v, data in self.dependent_data.items()} y_maxs = {v: np.max(data) for v, data in self.dependent_data.items()} for y in self.dependent_data: plotrange_y = y_maxs[y] - y_mins[y] y_mins[y] -= 0.1 * plotrange_y y_maxs[y] += 0.1 * plotrange_y self._set_up_figure(x_mins, x_maxs, y_mins, y_maxs) self._set_up_sliders()
[docs] @keywordonly(show=True, block=True) def execute(self, **kwargs): """ Execute the interactive guessing procedure. :param show: Whether or not to show the figure. Useful for testing. :type show: bool :param block: Blocking call to matplotlib :type show: bool """ show = kwargs.pop('show') if show: # # Apparently this does something else, # see**kwargs) plt.close(self.fig)
def _set_up_figure(self, x_mins, x_maxs, y_mins, y_maxs): """ Prepare the matplotlib figure: make all the subplots; adjust their x and y range; scatterplot the data; and plot an putative function. """ self.fig = plt.figure() # Make room for the sliders: bot = 0.1 + 0.05*len(self.model.params) self.fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=bot) # If these are not ints, matplotlib will crash and burn with an utterly # vague error. nrows = int(np.ceil(len(self._projections)**0.5)) ncols = int(np.ceil(len(self._projections)/nrows)) # Make all the subplots: set the x and y limits, scatter the data, and # plot the putative function. self._plots = {} evaluated_model = self._eval_model() for plotnr, proj in enumerate(self._projections, 1): x, y = proj if Derivative(y, x) in self.model: title_format = '$\\frac{{\\partial {dependant}}}{{\\partial {independant}}} = {expression}$' else: title_format = '${dependant}({independant}) = {expression}$' plotlabel = title_format.format( dependant=latex(y, mode='plain'), independant=latex(x, mode='plain'), expression=latex(self.model[y], mode='plain')) ax = self.fig.add_subplot(ncols, nrows, plotnr, label=plotlabel) ax.set_title(ax.get_label()) ax.set_ylim(y_mins[], y_maxs[]) ax.set_xlim(x_mins[], x_maxs[]) # TODO reduce dimensionality. ax.scatter(self.independent_data[], self.dependent_data[], c='b') y_vals = getattr(evaluated_model, x_vals = self._x_points[] plot, = ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals, c='red') self._plots[proj] = plot def _set_up_sliders(self): """ Creates an slider for every parameter. """ i = 0.05 self._sliders = {} for param in self.model.params: if not param.fixed: axbg = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' else: axbg = 'red' # start-x, start-y, width, height ax = self.fig.add_axes((0.162, i, 0.68, 0.03), axis_bgcolor=axbg, val = param.value if not hasattr(param, 'min') or param.min is None: minimum = 0 else: minimum = param.min if not hasattr(param, 'max') or param.max is None: maximum = 2 * val else: maximum = param.max slid = plt.Slider(ax,, minimum, maximum, valinit=val, valfmt='% 5.4g') self._sliders[param] = slid slid.on_changed(self._update_plot) i += 0.05 def _update_plot(self, _): """Callback to redraw the plot to reflect the new parameter values.""" # Since all sliders call this same callback without saying who they are # I need to update the values for all parameters. This can be # circumvented by creating a seperate callback function for each # parameter. for param in self.model.params: param.value = self._sliders[param].val evaluated_model = self._eval_model() for indep_var, dep_var in self._projections: plot = self._plots[(indep_var, dep_var)] # TODO: reduce dimensionality of self._x_points and vals for this projection y_vals = getattr(evaluated_model, x_vals = self._x_points[] plot.set_data(x_vals, y_vals) # self.fig.canvas.draw() # Force redraw def _eval_model(self): """ Convenience method for evaluating the model Returns ------- named tuple with results """ arguments = self._x_points.copy() arguments.update({param: param.value for param in self.model.params}) return self.model(**key2str(arguments))
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Represent the guesses in a human readable way. :return: string with the guessed values. """ msg = 'Guessed values:\n' for param in self.model.params: msg += '{}: {}\n'.format(, param.value) return msg