Source code for symfit.core.objectives

import abc
from collections import OrderedDict
from six import add_metaclass

import numpy as np

from .support import cache, keywordonly, key2str

[docs]@add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BaseObjective(object): """ ABC for objective functions. Implements basic data handling. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, data): """ :param model: `symfit` style model. :param data: data for all the variables of the model. """ self.model = model = data
@property @cache def dependent_data(self): """ Read-only Property :return: Data belonging to each dependent variable as a dict with variable names as key, data as value. :rtype: collections.OrderedDict """ return OrderedDict( (,[]) for var in self.model) @property @cache def independent_data(self): """ Read-only Property :return: Data belonging to each independent variable as a dict with variable names as key, data as value. :rtype: collections.OrderedDict """ return OrderedDict((,[]) for var in self.model.independent_vars) @property @cache def sigma_data(self): """ Read-only Property :return: Data belonging to each sigma variable as a dict with variable names as key, data as value. :rtype: collections.OrderedDict """ sigmas = self.model.sigmas return OrderedDict( (sigmas[var].name,[sigmas[var].name]) for var in self.model)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, **parameters): """ Evaluate the objective function for given parameter values. :param parameters: :return: float """ pass
[docs]@add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class GradientObjective(BaseObjective): """ ABC for objectives that support gradient methods. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def eval_jacobian(self, **parameters): """ Evaluate the jacobian for given parameter values. :param parameters: :return: float """ pass
[docs]class VectorLeastSquares(GradientObjective): """ Implemented for MINPACK only. Returns the residuals/sigma before squaring and summing, rather then chi2 itself. """
[docs] @keywordonly(flatten_components=True) def __call__(self, **parameters): """ Returns the value of the square root of :math:`\\chi^2`, summing over the components. This function now supports setting variables to None. :param p: array of parameter values. :param flatten_components: If True, summing is performed over the data indices (default). :return: :math:`\\sqrt(\\chi^2)` """ flatten_components = parameters.pop('flatten_components') jac_kwargs = key2str(parameters) jac_kwargs.update(self.independent_data) evaluated_func = self.model(**jac_kwargs) result = [] # zip together the dependent vars and evaluated component for y, ans in zip(self.model, evaluated_func): if self.dependent_data[] is not None: result.append(((self.dependent_data[] - ans) / self.sigma_data[self.model.sigmas[y].name]) ** 2) if flatten_components: # Flattens *within* a component result[-1] = result[-1].flatten() return np.sqrt(sum(result))
def eval_jacobian(self, **parameters): chi = self(flatten=False, **parameters) jac_kwargs = key2str(parameters) jac_kwargs.update(self.independent_data) evaluated_func = self.model(**jac_kwargs) result = len(self.model.params) * [0.0] for ans, y, row in zip(evaluated_func, self.model, self.model.numerical_jacobian): if self.dependent_data[] is not None: for index, component in enumerate(row): result[index] += component(**jac_kwargs) * ( (self.dependent_data[] - ans) / self.sigma_data[self.model.sigmas[y].name] ** 2 ) result *= (1 / chi) result = np.nan_to_num(result) result = [item.flatten() for item in result] return - np.array(result).T
[docs]class LeastSquares(GradientObjective): """ Objective representing the :math:`\chi^2` of a model. """
[docs] @keywordonly(flatten_components=True) def __call__(self, **parameters): """ :param parameters: values of the :class:`~symfit.core.argument.Parameter`'s to evaluate :math:`\chi^2` at. :param flatten_components: if `True`, return the total :math:`\chi^2`. If `False`, return the :math:`\chi^2` per component of the :class:``. :return: scalar or list of scalars depending on the value of `flatten_components`. """ flatten_components = parameters.pop('flatten_components') jac_kwargs = key2str(parameters) jac_kwargs.update(self.independent_data) evaluated_func = self.model(**jac_kwargs) chi2 = [0 for _ in evaluated_func] for index, (dep_var_name, dep_var_value) in enumerate(evaluated_func._asdict().items()): dep_data = self.dependent_data[dep_var_name] if dep_data is not None: sigma = self.sigma_data['sigma_{}'.format(dep_var_name)] # Should be changed with #41 chi2[index] += np.sum( (dep_var_value - dep_data) ** 2 / sigma ** 2) # chi2 += np.sum((dep_var_value - dep_data)**2/sigma**2) chi2 = np.sum(chi2) if flatten_components else chi2 return chi2
[docs] def eval_jacobian(self, **parameters): """ Jacobian of :math:`\\chi^2` in the :class:`~symfit.core.argument.Parameter`'s (:math:`\\nabla_\\vec{p} \\chi^2`). :param parameters: values of the :class:`~symfit.core.argument.Parameter`'s to evaluate :math:`\\nabla_\\vec{p} \\chi^2` at. :return: `np.array` of length equal to the number of parameters.. """ jac_kwargs = key2str(parameters) jac_kwargs.update(self.independent_data) evaluated_func = self.model(**jac_kwargs) result = [0.0 for _ in self.model.params] for ans, var, row in zip(evaluated_func, self.model, self.model.numerical_jacobian): dep_data = self.dependent_data[] sigma_var = self.model.sigmas[var] if dep_data is not None: sigma = self.sigma_data[] # Should be changed with #41 for index, component in enumerate(row): result[index] += np.sum( component(**jac_kwargs) * ((dep_data - ans) / sigma ** 2) ) return - np.array(result).T
[docs]class LogLikelihood(GradientObjective): """ Error function to be minimized by a minimizer in order to *maximize* the log-likelihood. """
[docs] def __call__(self, **parameters): """ :param parameters: values for the fit parameters. :return: scalar value of log-likelihood """ jac_kwargs = key2str(parameters) jac_kwargs.update(self.independent_data) ans = - np.nansum(np.log(self.model(**jac_kwargs))) return ans
[docs] @keywordonly(apply_func=np.nansum) def eval_jacobian(self, **parameters): """ Jacobian for log-likelihood is defined as :math:`\\nabla_{\\vec{p}}( \\log( L(\\vec{p} | \\vec{x})))`. :param parameters: values for the fit parameters. :param apply_func: Function to apply to each component before returning it. The default is to sum away along the datapoint dimension using `np.nansum`. :return: array of length number of ``Parameter``'s in the model, with all partial derivatives evaluated at p, data. """ apply_func = parameters.pop('apply_func') jac_kwargs = key2str(parameters) jac_kwargs.update(self.independent_data) ans = [] for row in self.model.numerical_jacobian: for partial_derivative in row: ans.append( - apply_func( partial_derivative(**jac_kwargs).flatten() / self.model(**jac_kwargs) ) ) else: return np.array(ans)
[docs]class MinimizeModel(BaseObjective): """ Objective to use when the model itself is the quantity that should be minimized. This is only supported for scalar models. """ def __init__(self, model, *args, **kwargs): if len(model) > 1: raise TypeError('Only scalar functions are supported by {}'.format(self.__class__)) super(MinimizeModel, self).__init__(model, *args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, **parameters): return self.model(**parameters)[0] def eval_jacobian(self, **parameters): if hasattr(self.model, 'numerical_jacobian'): ans = [] for partial_derivative in self.model.numerical_jacobian[0]: ans.append(partial_derivative(**parameters)) return np.array(ans) else: return None