Source code for symfit.core.minimizers

import abc
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial

from scipy.optimize import minimize
import sympy
import numpy as np

from .support import key2str, keywordonly
from .leastsqbound import leastsqbound
from .fit_results import FitResults

DummyModel = namedtuple('DummyModel', 'params')

[docs]class BaseMinimizer(object): """ ABC for all Minimizers. """
[docs] def __init__(self, objective, parameters): """ :param objective: Objective function to be used. :param parameters: List of :class:`~symfit.core.argument.Parameter` instances """ self.parameters = parameters self._fixed_params = [p for p in parameters if p.fixed] self.objective = partial(objective, **{ p.value for p in self._fixed_params}) self.params = [p for p in parameters if not p.fixed]
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def execute(self, **options): """ The execute method should implement the actual minimization procedure, and should return a :class:`~symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults` instance. :param options: options to be used by the minimization procedure. :return: an instance of :class:`~symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults`. """ pass
@property def initial_guesses(self): return [p.value for p in self.params]
[docs]class BoundedMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ ABC for Minimizers that support bounds. """ @property def bounds(self): return [(p.min, p.max) for p in self.params]
[docs]class ConstrainedMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ ABC for Minimizers that support constraints """
[docs] @keywordonly(constraints=None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): constraints = kwargs.pop('constraints') super(ConstrainedMinimizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.constraints = constraints
[docs]class GradientMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ ABC for Minizers that support the use of a jacobian """
[docs] @keywordonly(jacobian=None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): jacobian = kwargs.pop('jacobian') super(GradientMinimizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if jacobian is not None: jac_with_fixed_params = partial(jacobian, **{ p.value for p in self._fixed_params}) self.wrapped_jacobian = self.resize_jac(jac_with_fixed_params) else: self.jacobian = None self.wrapped_jacobian = None
[docs] def resize_jac(self, func): """ Removes values with identical indices to fixed parameters from the output of func. :param func: Function to be wrapped :return: wrapped function """ if func is None: return None def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): out = func(*args, **kwargs) jac = [] for param, val in zip(self.parameters, out): if not param.fixed: jac.append(val) return jac return wrapped
[docs]class ScipyMinimize(object): """ Mix-in class that handles the execute calls to scipy.optimize.minimize. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.constraints = [] self.jacobian = None self.wrapped_jacobian = None super(ScipyMinimize, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.wrapped_objective = self.wrap_func(self.objective)
[docs] def wrap_func(self, func): """ Given an objective function `func`, make sure it is always called via keyword arguments with the relevant parameter names. :param func: Function to be wrapped to keyword only calls. :return: wrapped function """ # parameters = { value for param, value in zip(self.params, values)} if func is None: return None def wrapped_func(values): parameters = key2str(dict(zip(self.params, values))) return np.array(func(**parameters)) return wrapped_func
@keywordonly(tol=1e-9) def execute(self, bounds=None, jacobian=None, **minimize_options): ans = minimize( self.wrapped_objective, self.initial_guesses, bounds=bounds, constraints=self.constraints, jac=jacobian, **minimize_options ) # Build infodic infodic = { 'nfev': ans.nfev, } best_vals = [] found = iter(ans.x) for param in self.parameters: if param.fixed: best_vals.append(param.value) else: best_vals.append(next(found)) fit_results = dict( model=DummyModel(params=self.parameters), popt=best_vals, covariance_matrix=None, infodic=infodic, mesg=ans.message, ier=ans.nit,, ) if 'hess_inv' in ans: try: fit_results['hessian_inv'] = ans.hess_inv.todense() except AttributeError: fit_results['hessian_inv'] = ans.hess_inv return FitResults(**fit_results)
[docs] @staticmethod def scipy_constraints(constraints, data): """ Returns all constraints in a scipy compatible format. :return: dict of scipy compatible statements. """ cons = [] types = { # scipy only distinguishes two types of constraint. sympy.Eq: 'eq', sympy.Ge: 'ineq', } for key, constraint in enumerate(constraints): # jac = make_jac(c, p) cons.append({ 'type': types[constraint.constraint_type], # Assume the lhs is the equation. 'fun': lambda p, x, c: c(*(list(x.values()) + list(p)))[0], # Assume the lhs is the equation. 'jac': lambda p, x, c: [component(*(list(x.values()) + list(p))) for component in c.numerical_jacobian[0]], 'args': (data, constraint) }) cons = tuple(cons) return cons
[docs]class ScipyGradientMinimize(ScipyMinimize, GradientMinimizer):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ScipyGradientMinimize, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.wrapped_jacobian = self.wrap_func(self.wrapped_jacobian)
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): return super(ScipyGradientMinimize, self).execute(jacobian=self.wrapped_jacobian, **minimize_options)
[docs]class BFGS(ScipyGradientMinimize):
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): return super(BFGS, self).execute(method='BFGS', **minimize_options)
[docs]class SLSQP(ScipyGradientMinimize, ConstrainedMinimizer, BoundedMinimizer):
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): return super(SLSQP, self).execute( method='SLSQP', bounds=self.bounds, **minimize_options )
[docs]class LBFGSB(ScipyGradientMinimize, BoundedMinimizer):
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): return super(LBFGSB, self).execute( method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=self.bounds, **minimize_options )
[docs]class NelderMead(ScipyMinimize, BaseMinimizer):
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): return super(NelderMead, self).execute(method='Nelder-Mead', **minimize_options)
[docs]class MINPACK(ScipyMinimize, GradientMinimizer, BoundedMinimizer): """ Wrapper to scipy's implementation of MINPACK, since it is the industry standard. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.jacobian = None super(MINPACK, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def execute(self, **minpack_options): """ :param minpack_options: Any named arguments to be passed to leastsqbound """ popt, pcov, infodic, mesg, ier = leastsqbound( self.wrapped_objective, # Dfun=self.jacobian, x0=self.initial_guesses, bounds=self.bounds, full_output=True, **minpack_options ) fit_results = dict( model=DummyModel(params=self.params), popt=popt, covariance_matrix=None, infodic=infodic, mesg=mesg, ier=ier, chi_squared=np.sum(infodic['fvec']**2), ) return FitResults(**fit_results)