Source code for symfit.core.minimizers

import abc
import sys
from collections import namedtuple, Counter
from functools import partial

from scipy.optimize import minimize, differential_evolution
import sympy
import numpy as np

from .support import key2str, keywordonly
from .leastsqbound import leastsqbound
from .fit_results import FitResults

if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
    import inspect as inspect_sig
    import funcsigs as inspect_sig

DummyModel = namedtuple('DummyModel', 'params')

[docs]class BaseMinimizer(object): """ ABC for all Minimizers. """
[docs] def __init__(self, objective, parameters): """ :param objective: Objective function to be used. :param parameters: List of :class:`~symfit.core.argument.Parameter` instances """ self.parameters = parameters self._fixed_params = [p for p in parameters if p.fixed] self.objective = partial(objective, **{ p.value for p in self._fixed_params}) self.params = [p for p in parameters if not p.fixed]
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def execute(self, **options): """ The execute method should implement the actual minimization procedure, and should return a :class:`~symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults` instance. :param options: options to be used by the minimization procedure. :return: an instance of :class:`~symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults`. """ pass
@property def initial_guesses(self): try: return self._initial_guesses except AttributeError: return [p.value for p in self.params] @initial_guesses.setter def initial_guesses(self, vals): self._initial_guesses = vals
[docs]class BoundedMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ ABC for Minimizers that support bounds. """ @property def bounds(self): return [(p.min, p.max) for p in self.params]
[docs]class ConstrainedMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ ABC for Minimizers that support constraints """
[docs] @keywordonly(constraints=None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): constraints = kwargs.pop('constraints') super(ConstrainedMinimizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.constraints = constraints
[docs]class GradientMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ ABC for Minizers that support the use of a jacobian """
[docs] @keywordonly(jacobian=None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): jacobian = kwargs.pop('jacobian') super(GradientMinimizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if jacobian is not None: jac_with_fixed_params = partial(jacobian, **{ p.value for p in self._fixed_params}) self.wrapped_jacobian = self.resize_jac(jac_with_fixed_params) else: self.jacobian = None self.wrapped_jacobian = None
[docs] def resize_jac(self, func): """ Removes values with identical indices to fixed parameters from the output of func. :param func: Function to be wrapped :return: wrapped function """ if func is None: return None def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): out = func(*args, **kwargs) jac = [] for param, val in zip(self.parameters, out): if not param.fixed: jac.append(val) return jac return wrapped
[docs]class GlobalMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ A minimizer that looks for a global minimum, instead of a local one. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GlobalMinimizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ChainedMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ A minimizer that consists of multiple other minimizers, each executed in order. This is valuable if you have minimizers that are not good at finding the exact minimum such as :class:`~symfit.core.minimizers.NelderMead` or :class:`~symfit.core.minimizers.DifferentialEvolution`. """
[docs] @keywordonly(minimizers=None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' :param minimizers: a :class:`` of :class:`~symfit.core.minimizers.BaseMinimizer` objects, which need to be run in order. :param \*args: passed to :func:`symfit.core.minimizers.BaseMinimizer.__init__`. :param \*\*kwargs: passed to :func:`symfit.core.minimizers.BaseMinimizer.__init__`. ''' minimizers = kwargs.pop('minimizers') super(ChainedMinimizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.minimizers = minimizers self.__signature__ = self._make_signature()
[docs] def execute(self, **minimizer_kwargs): """ Execute the chained-minimization. In order to pass options to the seperate minimizers, they can be passed by using the names of the minimizers as keywords. For example:: fit = Fit(self.model, self.xx, self.yy, self.ydata, minimizer=[DifferentialEvolution, BFGS]) fit_result = fit.execute( DifferentialEvolution={'seed': 0, 'tol': 1e-4, 'maxiter': 10}, BFGS={'tol': 1e-4} ) In case of multiple identical minimizers an index is added to each keyword argument to make them identifiable. For example, if:: minimizer=[BFGS, DifferentialEvolution, BFGS]) then the keyword arguments will be 'BFGS', 'DifferentialEvolution', and 'BFGS_2'. :param minimizer_kwargs: Minimizer options to be passed to the minimzers by name :return: an instance of :class:`~symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults`. """ bound_arguments = self.__signature__.bind(**minimizer_kwargs) # Include default values in bound_argument object for param in self.__signature__.parameters.values(): if not in bound_arguments.arguments: bound_arguments.arguments[] = param.default answers = [] next_guess = self.initial_guesses for minimizer, kwargs in zip(self.minimizers, bound_arguments.arguments.values()): minimizer.initial_guesses = next_guess ans = minimizer.execute(**kwargs) next_guess = list(ans.params.values()) answers.append(ans) final = answers[-1] # TODO: Compile all previous results in one, instead of just the # number of function evaluations. But there's some code down the # line that expects scalars. final.infodict['nfev'] = sum(ans.infodict['nfev'] for ans in answers) return final
def _make_signature(self): """ Create a signature for `execute` based on the minimizers this `ChainedMinimizer` was initiated with. For the format, see the docstring of :meth:`ChainedMinimizer.execute`. :return: :class:`inspect.Signature` instance. """ # Create KEYWORD_ONLY arguments with the names of the minimizers. name = lambda x: x.__class__.__name__ count = Counter( [name(minimizer) for minimizer in self.minimizers] ) # Count the number of each minimizer, they don't have to be unique # Note that these are inspect_sig.Parameter's, not symfit parameters! parameters = [] for minimizer in reversed(self.minimizers): if count[name(minimizer)] == 1: # No ambiguity, so use the name directly. param_name = name(minimizer) else: # Ambiguity, so append the number of remaining minimizers param_name = '{}_{}'.format(name(minimizer), count[name(minimizer)]) count[name(minimizer)] -= 1 parameters.append( inspect_sig.Parameter( param_name, kind=inspect_sig.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default={} ) ) return inspect_sig.Signature(parameters=reversed(parameters))
[docs]class ScipyMinimize(object): """ Mix-in class that handles the execute calls to scipy.optimize.minimize. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.constraints = [] self.jacobian = None self.wrapped_jacobian = None super(ScipyMinimize, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.wrapped_objective = self.wrap_func(self.objective)
[docs] def wrap_func(self, func): """ Given an objective function `func`, make sure it is always called via keyword arguments with the relevant parameter names. :param func: Function to be wrapped to keyword only calls. :return: wrapped function """ # parameters = { value for param, value in zip(self.params, values)} if func is None: return None def wrapped_func(values): parameters = key2str(dict(zip(self.params, values))) return np.array(func(**parameters)) return wrapped_func
def _pack_output(self, ans): """ Packs the output of a minimization in a :class:`~symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults`. :param ans: The output of a minimization as produced by :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` :returns: :class:`~symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults` """ # Build infodic infodic = { 'nfev': ans.nfev, } best_vals = [] found = iter(ans.x) for param in self.parameters: if param.fixed: best_vals.append(param.value) else: best_vals.append(next(found)) fit_results = dict( model=DummyModel(params=self.parameters), popt=best_vals, covariance_matrix=None, infodic=infodic, mesg=ans.message, ier=ans.nit,, ) if 'hess_inv' in ans: try: fit_results['hessian_inv'] = ans.hess_inv.todense() except AttributeError: fit_results['hessian_inv'] = ans.hess_inv return FitResults(**fit_results)
[docs] @keywordonly(tol=1e-9) def execute(self, bounds=None, jacobian=None, **minimize_options): """ Calls the wrapped algorithm. :param bounds: The bounds for the parameters. Usually filled by :class:`~symfit.core.minimizers.BoundedMinimizer`. :param jacobian: The Jacobian. Usually filled by :class:`~symfit.core.minimizers.ScipyGradientMinimize`. :param \*\*minimize_options: Further keywords to pass to :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`. Note that your `method` will usually be filled by a specific subclass. """ ans = minimize( self.wrapped_objective, self.initial_guesses, bounds=bounds, constraints=self.constraints, jac=jacobian, **minimize_options ) return self._pack_output(ans)
[docs] @staticmethod def scipy_constraints(constraints, data): """ Returns all constraints in a scipy compatible format. :return: dict of scipy compatible statements. """ cons = [] types = { # scipy only distinguishes two types of constraint. sympy.Eq: 'eq', sympy.Ge: 'ineq', } for key, constraint in enumerate(constraints): # jac = make_jac(c, p) cons.append({ 'type': types[constraint.constraint_type], # Assume the lhs is the equation. 'fun': lambda p, x, c: c(*(list(x.values()) + list(p)))[0], # Assume the lhs is the equation. 'jac': lambda p, x, c: [component(*(list(x.values()) + list(p))) for component in c.numerical_jacobian[0]], 'args': (data, constraint) }) cons = tuple(cons) return cons
[docs]class ScipyGradientMinimize(ScipyMinimize, GradientMinimizer): """ A base class for all :mod:`scipy` based minimizers that use a gradient. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ScipyGradientMinimize, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.wrapped_jacobian = self.wrap_func(self.wrapped_jacobian)
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): return super(ScipyGradientMinimize, self).execute(jacobian=self.wrapped_jacobian, **minimize_options)
[docs]class BFGS(ScipyGradientMinimize): """ A wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` using `method='BFGS'`. """
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): return super(BFGS, self).execute(method='BFGS', **minimize_options)
[docs]class DifferentialEvolution(ScipyMinimize, GlobalMinimizer, BoundedMinimizer): """ A wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.differential_evolution`. """
[docs] @keywordonly(strategy='rand1bin', popsize=40, mutation=(0.423, 1.053), recombination=0.95, polish=False, init='latinhypercube') def execute(self, **de_options): ans = differential_evolution(self.wrap_func(self.objective), self.bounds, **de_options) return self._pack_output(ans)
[docs]class SLSQP(ScipyGradientMinimize, ConstrainedMinimizer, BoundedMinimizer): """ A wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` using `method='SLSQP'`. """
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): return super(SLSQP, self).execute( method='SLSQP', bounds=self.bounds, **minimize_options )
[docs]class LBFGSB(ScipyGradientMinimize, BoundedMinimizer): """ A wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` using `method='L-BFGS-B'`. """
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): return super(LBFGSB, self).execute( method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=self.bounds, **minimize_options )
[docs]class NelderMead(ScipyMinimize, BaseMinimizer): """ A wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` using `method='Nelder-Mead'`. """
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): return super(NelderMead, self).execute(method='Nelder-Mead', **minimize_options)
[docs]class MINPACK(ScipyMinimize, GradientMinimizer, BoundedMinimizer): """ Wrapper to scipy's implementation of MINPACK, since it is the industry standard. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.jacobian = None super(MINPACK, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def execute(self, **minpack_options): """ :param \*\*minpack_options: Any named arguments to be passed to leastsqbound """ popt, pcov, infodic, mesg, ier = leastsqbound( self.wrapped_objective, # Dfun=self.jacobian, x0=self.initial_guesses, bounds=self.bounds, full_output=True, **minpack_options ) fit_results = dict( model=DummyModel(params=self.params), popt=popt, covariance_matrix=None, infodic=infodic, mesg=mesg, ier=ier, chi_squared=np.sum(infodic['fvec']**2), ) return FitResults(**fit_results)