Source code for symfit.core.minimizers

import abc
import sys
from collections import namedtuple, Counter, OrderedDict

from scipy.optimize import (
    minimize, differential_evolution, basinhopping, NonlinearConstraint,
from scipy.optimize import BFGS as soBFGS
import sympy
import numpy as np

from .support import keywordonly
from .leastsqbound import leastsqbound
from .fit_results import FitResults
from .objectives import BaseObjective, MinimizeModel

if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
    import inspect as inspect_sig
    from functools import wraps
    import funcsigs as inspect_sig
    from functools32 import wraps

DummyModel = namedtuple('DummyModel', 'params')

[docs]class BaseMinimizer(object): """ ABC for all Minimizers. """
[docs] def __init__(self, objective, parameters): """ :param objective: Objective function to be used. :param parameters: List of :class:`~symfit.core.argument.Parameter` instances """ self.parameters = parameters self._fixed_params = [p for p in parameters if p.fixed] self.objective = self._baseobjective_from_callable(objective) # Mapping which we use to track the original, to be used upon pickling self._pickle_kwargs = {'parameters': parameters, 'objective': objective} self.params = [p for p in parameters if not p.fixed]
def _baseobjective_from_callable(self, func, objective_type=MinimizeModel): """ symfit works with BaseObjective subclasses internally. If a custom objective is provided, we wrap it into a BaseObjective, MinimizeModel by default. :param func: Callable. If already an instance of BaseObjective, it is returned immediately. If not, it is turned into a BaseObjective of type ``objective_type``. :param objective_type: :return: """ if isinstance(func, BaseObjective) or (hasattr(func, '__self__') and isinstance(func.__self__, BaseObjective)): # The latter condition is added to make sure .eval_jacobian methods # are still considered correct, and not doubly wrapped. return func else: from .fit import CallableNumericalModel, BaseModel if isinstance(func, BaseModel): model = func else: # Minimize the provided custom objective instead. We therefore # wrap it into a CallableNumericalModel, thats what they are for y = sympy.Dummy() model = CallableNumericalModel( {y: func}, connectivity_mapping={y: set(self.parameters)} ) return objective_type(model, data={})
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def execute(self, **options): """ The execute method should implement the actual minimization procedure, and should return a :class:`~symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults` instance. :param options: options to be used by the minimization procedure. :return: an instance of :class:`~symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults`. """ pass
@property def initial_guesses(self): try: return self._initial_guesses except AttributeError: return [p.value for p in self.params] @initial_guesses.setter def initial_guesses(self, vals): self._initial_guesses = vals def __getstate__(self): return {key: value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if not key.startswith('wrapped_')} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self.__init__(**self._pickle_kwargs)
[docs]class BoundedMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ ABC for Minimizers that support bounds. """ @property def bounds(self): return [(p.min, p.max) for p in self.params]
[docs]class ConstrainedMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ ABC for Minimizers that support constraints """
[docs] @keywordonly(constraints=None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): constraints = kwargs.pop('constraints') super(ConstrainedMinimizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Remember the vanilla constraints for pickling self._pickle_kwargs['constraints'] = constraints if constraints is None: constraints = [] self.constraints = constraints
[docs]class GradientMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ ABC for Minizers that support the use of a jacobian """
[docs] @keywordonly(jacobian=None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.jacobian = kwargs.pop('jacobian') super(GradientMinimizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._pickle_kwargs['jacobian'] = self.jacobian if self.jacobian is not None: self.jacobian = self._baseobjective_from_callable(self.jacobian) self.wrapped_jacobian = self.resize_jac(self.jacobian) else: self.wrapped_jacobian = None
[docs] def resize_jac(self, func): """ Removes values with identical indices to fixed parameters from the output of func. func has to return the jacobian of a scalar function. :param func: Jacobian function to be wrapped. Is assumed to be the jacobian of a scalar function. :return: Jacobian corresponding to non-fixed parameters only. """ if func is None: return None @wraps(func) def resized(*args, **kwargs): out = func(*args, **kwargs) # Make one dimensional, corresponding to a scalar function. out = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(out)) mask = [p not in self._fixed_params for p in self.parameters] return out[mask] return resized
[docs]class HessianMinimizer(GradientMinimizer): """ ABC for Minimizers that support the use of a Hessian. """
[docs] @keywordonly(hessian=None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hessian = kwargs.pop('hessian') super(HessianMinimizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._pickle_kwargs['hessian'] = self.hessian if self.hessian is not None: self.hessian = self._baseobjective_from_callable(self.hessian) self.wrapped_hessian = self.resize_hess(self.hessian) else: self.wrapped_hessian = None
[docs] def resize_hess(self, func): """ Removes values with identical indices to fixed parameters from the output of func. func has to return the Hessian of a scalar function. :param func: Hessian function to be wrapped. Is assumed to be the Hessian of a scalar function. :return: Hessian corresponding to free parameters only. """ if func is None: return None @wraps(func) def resized(*args, **kwargs): out = func(*args, **kwargs) # Make two dimensional, corresponding to a scalar function. out = np.atleast_2d(np.squeeze(out)) mask = [p not in self._fixed_params for p in self.parameters] return np.atleast_2d(out[mask, mask]) return resized
[docs]class GlobalMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ A minimizer that looks for a global minimum, instead of a local one. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GlobalMinimizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ChainedMinimizer(BaseMinimizer): """ A minimizer that consists of multiple other minimizers, each executed in order. This is valuable if you have minimizers that are not good at finding the exact minimum such as :class:`~symfit.core.minimizers.NelderMead` or :class:`~symfit.core.minimizers.DifferentialEvolution`. """
[docs] @keywordonly(minimizers=None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' :param minimizers: a :class:`` of :class:`~symfit.core.minimizers.BaseMinimizer` objects, which need to be run in order. :param \*args: passed to :func:`symfit.core.minimizers.BaseMinimizer.__init__`. :param \*\*kwargs: passed to :func:`symfit.core.minimizers.BaseMinimizer.__init__`. ''' minimizers = kwargs.pop('minimizers') super(ChainedMinimizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.minimizers = minimizers self._pickle_kwargs['minimizers'] = self.minimizers self.__signature__ = self._make_signature()
[docs] def execute(self, **minimizer_kwargs): """ Execute the chained-minimization. In order to pass options to the seperate minimizers, they can be passed by using the names of the minimizers as keywords. For example:: fit = Fit(self.model, self.xx, self.yy, self.ydata, minimizer=[DifferentialEvolution, BFGS]) fit_result = fit.execute( DifferentialEvolution={'seed': 0, 'tol': 1e-4, 'maxiter': 10}, BFGS={'tol': 1e-4} ) In case of multiple identical minimizers an index is added to each keyword argument to make them identifiable. For example, if:: minimizer=[BFGS, DifferentialEvolution, BFGS]) then the keyword arguments will be 'BFGS', 'DifferentialEvolution', and 'BFGS_2'. :param minimizer_kwargs: Minimizer options to be passed to the minimzers by name :return: an instance of :class:`~symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults`. """ bound_arguments = self.__signature__.bind(**minimizer_kwargs) # Include default values in bound_argument object. # Start from a new OrderedDict to guarantee ordering. arguments = OrderedDict() for param in self.__signature__.parameters.values(): if in bound_arguments.arguments: arguments[] = bound_arguments.arguments[] else: arguments[] = param.default bound_arguments.arguments = arguments answers = [] next_guess = self.initial_guesses for minimizer, kwargs in zip(self.minimizers, bound_arguments.arguments.values()): minimizer.initial_guesses = next_guess ans = minimizer.execute(**kwargs) next_guess = list(ans.params.values()) answers.append(ans) final = answers[-1] # TODO: Compile all previous results in one, instead of just the # number of function evaluations. But there's some code down the # line that expects scalars. final.minimizer_output['nit'] = sum(ans.iterations for ans in answers) return final
def _make_signature(self): """ Create a signature for `execute` based on the minimizers this `ChainedMinimizer` was initiated with. For the format, see the docstring of :meth:`ChainedMinimizer.execute`. :return: :class:`inspect.Signature` instance. """ # Create KEYWORD_ONLY arguments with the names of the minimizers. name = lambda x: x.__class__.__name__ count = Counter( [name(minimizer) for minimizer in self.minimizers] ) # Count the number of each minimizer, they don't have to be unique # Note that these are inspect_sig.Parameter's, not symfit parameters! parameters = [] for minimizer in reversed(self.minimizers): if count[name(minimizer)] == 1: # No ambiguity, so use the name directly. param_name = name(minimizer) else: # Ambiguity, so append the number of remaining minimizers param_name = '{}_{}'.format(name(minimizer), count[name(minimizer)]) count[name(minimizer)] -= 1 parameters.append( inspect_sig.Parameter( param_name, kind=inspect_sig.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default={} ) ) return inspect_sig.Signature(parameters=reversed(parameters)) def __getstate__(self): state = super(ChainedMinimizer, self).__getstate__() del state['__signature__'] return state
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '(minimizers={})'.format(self.minimizers)
[docs]class ScipyMinimize(object): """ Mix-in class that handles the execute calls to :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.constraints = [] self.jacobian = None self.wrapped_jacobian = None super(ScipyMinimize, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @keywordonly(tol=1e-9) def execute(self, bounds=None, jacobian=None, hessian=None, constraints=None, **minimize_options): """ Calls the wrapped algorithm. :param bounds: The bounds for the parameters. Usually filled by :class:`~symfit.core.minimizers.BoundedMinimizer`. :param jacobian: The Jacobian. Usually filled by :class:`~symfit.core.minimizers.ScipyGradientMinimize`. :param \*\*minimize_options: Further keywords to pass to :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`. Note that your `method` will usually be filled by a specific subclass. """ ans = minimize( self.objective, self.initial_guesses, method=self.method_name(), bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints, jac=jacobian, hess=hessian, **minimize_options ) return self._pack_output(ans)
def _pack_output(self, ans): """ Packs the output of a minimization in a :class:`~symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults`. :param ans: The output of a minimization as produced by :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` :returns: :class:`~symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults` """ best_vals = [] found = iter(np.atleast_1d(ans.x)) for param in self.parameters: if param.fixed: best_vals.append(param.value) else: best_vals.append(next(found)) fit_results = dict( model=DummyModel(params=self.parameters), popt=best_vals, covariance_matrix=None, objective=self.objective, minimizer=self, **ans ) return FitResults(**fit_results)
[docs] @classmethod def method_name(cls): """ Returns the name of the minimize method this object represents. This is needed because the name of the object is not always exactly what needs to be passed on to scipy as a string. :return: """ return cls.__name__
[docs]class ScipyGradientMinimize(ScipyMinimize, GradientMinimizer): """ Base class for :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`'s gradient-minimizers. """
[docs] @keywordonly(jacobian=None) def execute(self, **minimize_options): # This method takes the jacobian as an argument because the user may # need to override it in some cases (especially with the trust-constr # method) jacobian = minimize_options.pop('jacobian') if jacobian is None: jacobian = self.wrapped_jacobian return super(ScipyGradientMinimize, self).execute(jacobian=jacobian, **minimize_options)
def scipy_constraints(self, constraints): cons = super(ScipyGradientMinimize, self).scipy_constraints(constraints) for con in cons: # Only if the model has a jacobian, does it make sense to pass one # to the minimizer if hasattr(con['fun'].model, 'eval_jacobian'): con['jac'] = self.resize_jac(con['fun'].eval_jacobian) else: con['jac'] = None return cons
[docs]class ScipyBoundedMinimizer(ScipyMinimize, BoundedMinimizer): """ Base class for :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`'s bounded-minimizers. """
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): return super(ScipyBoundedMinimizer, self).execute(bounds=self.bounds, **minimize_options)
[docs]class ScipyHessianMinimize(ScipyGradientMinimize, HessianMinimizer): """ Base class for :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`'s hessian-minimizers. """
[docs] @keywordonly(hessian=None) def execute(self, **minimize_options): # This method takes the hessian as an argument because the user may # need to override it in some cases (especially with the trust-constr # method) hessian = minimize_options.pop('hessian') if hessian is None: hessian = self.wrapped_hessian return super(ScipyHessianMinimize, self).execute(hessian=hessian, **minimize_options)
def scipy_constraints(self, constraints): cons = super(ScipyHessianMinimize, self).scipy_constraints(constraints) for con in cons: # Only if the model has a hessian, does it make sense to pass one # to the minimizer if hasattr(con['fun'].model, 'eval_hessian'): con['hess'] = self.resize_hess(con['fun'].eval_hessian) else: con['hess'] = None return cons
[docs]class ScipyConstrainedMinimize(ScipyMinimize, ConstrainedMinimizer): """ Base class for :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`'s constrained-minimizers. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ScipyConstrainedMinimize, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.wrapped_constraints = self.scipy_constraints(self.constraints)
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): return super(ScipyConstrainedMinimize, self).execute(constraints=self.wrapped_constraints, **minimize_options)
[docs] def scipy_constraints(self, constraints): """ Returns all constraints in a scipy compatible format. :param constraints: List of either MinimizeModel instances (this is what is provided by :class:``), :class:``, or :class:`sympy.core.relational.Relational`. :return: dict of scipy compatible statements. """ cons = [] types = { # scipy only distinguishes two types of constraint. sympy.Eq: 'eq', sympy.Ge: 'ineq', } for constraint in constraints: if isinstance(constraint, MinimizeModel): # Typically the case when called by `Fit constraint_type = constraint.model.constraint_type elif hasattr(constraint, 'constraint_type'): # Model object, not provided by `Fit`. Do the best we can. if self.parameters != constraint.params: raise AssertionError('The constraint should accept the same' ' parameters as used for the fit.') constraint_type = constraint.constraint_type constraint = MinimizeModel(constraint, elif isinstance(constraint, sympy.Rel): constraint_type = constraint.__class__ constraint = self.objective.model.__class__.as_constraint( constraint, self.objective.model ) constraint = MinimizeModel(constraint, else: raise TypeError('Unknown type for a constraint.') con = { 'type': types[constraint_type], 'fun': constraint, } cons.append(con) cons = tuple(cons) return cons
def _pack_output(self, ans): fit_result = super(ScipyConstrainedMinimize, self)._pack_output(ans) fit_result.constraints = self.constraints return fit_result
[docs]class BFGS(ScipyGradientMinimize): """ Wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`'s BFGS algorithm. """
[docs]class SLSQP(ScipyGradientMinimize, ScipyConstrainedMinimize, ScipyBoundedMinimizer): """ Wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`'s SLSQP algorithm. """
[docs]class COBYLA(ScipyConstrainedMinimize, BaseMinimizer): """ Wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`'s COBYLA algorithm. """
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): ans = super(COBYLA, self).execute(**minimize_options) # Nearest indication of nit. ans.minimizer_output['nit'] = ans.minimizer_output.pop('nfev') return ans
[docs]class LBFGSB(ScipyGradientMinimize, ScipyBoundedMinimizer): """ Wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`'s LBFGSB algorithm. """
[docs] @classmethod def method_name(cls): return "L-BFGS-B"
[docs]class NelderMead(ScipyMinimize, BaseMinimizer): """ Wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`'s NelderMead algorithm. """
[docs] @classmethod def method_name(cls): return 'Nelder-Mead'
[docs]class Powell(ScipyMinimize, BaseMinimizer): """ Wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`'s Powell algorithm. """
[docs]class TrustConstr(ScipyHessianMinimize, ScipyConstrainedMinimize, ScipyBoundedMinimizer): """ Wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`'s Trust-Constr algorithm. """
[docs] @classmethod def method_name(cls): return 'trust-constr'
def _get_jacobian_hessian_strategy(self): """ Figure out how to calculate the jacobian and hessian. Will return a tuple describing how best to calculate the jacobian and hessian, repectively. If None, it should be calculated using the available analytical method. :return: tuple of jacobian_method, hessian_method """ if self.jacobian is not None and self.hessian is None: jacobian = None hessian = 'cs' elif self.jacobian is None and self.hessian is None: jacobian = 'cs' hessian = soBFGS(exception_strategy='damp_update') else: jacobian = None hessian = None return jacobian, hessian
[docs] def scipy_constraints(self, constraints): cons = super(TrustConstr, self).scipy_constraints(constraints) out = [] for con in cons: if con['type'] == 'eq': ub = 0 else: ub = np.inf nonlinearconstr_kwargs = { 'fun': con['fun'], 'lb': 0, 'ub': ub, } # If None is given to NonlinearConstraint it'll throw a hissy fit. if con['hess'] is not None: nonlinearconstr_kwargs['hess'] = lambda x, v: con['hess'](x) * v if con['jac'] is not None: nonlinearconstr_kwargs['jac'] = con['jac'] tc_con = NonlinearConstraint(**nonlinearconstr_kwargs) out.append(tc_con) return out
[docs] @keywordonly(jacobian=None, hessian=None, options=None) def execute(self, **minimize_options): options = minimize_options.pop('options') if options is None: options = {} # Our Jacobians are dense, and apparently we need to explicitely # tell this. options['sparse_jacobian'] = False hessian = minimize_options.pop('hessian') jacobian = minimize_options.pop('jacobian') auto_jacobian, auto_hessian = self._get_jacobian_hessian_strategy() # For models that are not differentiable, users need the ability to # change the jacobian to e.g. 'cs' or '3-point'. In that case, hess # should either be scipy.optimize.BFGS or SR1. # In addition, users may want to change the way the Hessian is # calculated, especially if they manage to make a model whose Jacobian # can't handle complex numbers. if jacobian is None: jacobian = auto_jacobian if hessian is None: hessian = auto_hessian if jacobian is None: jacobian = self.wrapped_jacobian if hessian is None: hessian = self.wrapped_hessian ans = super(TrustConstr, self).execute(options=options, jacobian=jacobian, hessian=hessian, **minimize_options) # Rename the number of iterations kwarg to be consistent. ans.minimizer_output['nit'] = ans.minimizer_output.pop('niter') return ans
[docs]class DifferentialEvolution(ScipyBoundedMinimizer, GlobalMinimizer): """ A wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.differential_evolution`. """
[docs] @keywordonly(strategy='rand1bin', popsize=40, mutation=(0.423, 1.053), recombination=0.95, polish=False, init='latinhypercube') def execute(self, **de_options): ans = differential_evolution(self.objective, self.bounds, **de_options) return self._pack_output(ans)
[docs]class BasinHopping(ScipyMinimize, GlobalMinimizer): """ Wrapper around :func:`scipy.optimize.basinhopping`'s basin-hopping algorithm. As always, the best way to use this algorithm is through :class:``, as this will automatically select a local minimizer for you depending on whether you provided bounds, constraints, etc. However, BasinHopping can also be used directly. Example (with jacobian):: import numpy as np from symfit.core.minimizers import BFGS, BasinHopping from symfit import parameters def func2d(x1, x2): f = np.cos(14.5 * x1 - 0.3) + (x2 + 0.2) * x2 + (x1 + 0.2) * x1 return f def jac2d(x1, x2): df = np.zeros(2) df[0] = -14.5 * np.sin(14.5 * x1 - 0.3) + 2. * x1 + 0.2 df[1] = 2. * x2 + 0.2 return df x0 = [1.0, 1.0] np.random.seed(555) x1, x2 = parameters('x1, x2', value=x0) fit = BasinHopping(func2d, [x1, x2], local_minimizer=BFGS) minimizer_kwargs = {'jac': fit.list2kwargs(jac2d)} fit_result = fit.execute(niter=200, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs) See :func:`scipy.optimize.basinhopping` for more options. """
[docs] @keywordonly(local_minimizer=BFGS) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :param local_minimizer: minimizer to be used for local minimization steps. Can be any subclass of :class:`symfit.core.minimizers.ScipyMinimize`. :param args: positional arguments to be passed on to `super`. :param kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed on to `super`. """ self.local_minimizer = kwargs.pop('local_minimizer') super(BasinHopping, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._pickle_kwargs['local_minimizer'] = self.local_minimizer type_error_msg = 'Currently only subclasses of ScipyMinimize are ' \ 'supported, since `scipy.optimize.basinhopping` uses ' \ '`scipy.optimize.minimize`.' # self.local_minimizer has to be a subclass or instance of ScipyMinimize # Since no one function exists to test this, we try/except instead. try: # Test if subclass. If this line doesn't fail, we are dealing with # some class. If it fails, we assume that it is an instance. issubclass(self.local_minimizer, ScipyMinimize) except TypeError: # It is not a class at all, so test if it's an instance instead if not isinstance(self.local_minimizer, ScipyMinimize): # Only ScipyMinimize subclasses supported raise TypeError(type_error_msg) else: if not issubclass(self.local_minimizer, ScipyMinimize): # Only ScipyMinimize subclasses supported raise TypeError(type_error_msg) self.local_minimizer = self.local_minimizer(self.objective, self.parameters)
[docs] def execute(self, **minimize_options): """ Execute the basin-hopping minimization. :param minimize_options: options to be passed on to :func:`scipy.optimize.basinhopping`. :return: :class:`symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults` """ if 'minimizer_kwargs' not in minimize_options: minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs'] = {} if 'method' not in minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs']: # If no minimizer was set by the user upon execute, use local_minimizer minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs']['method'] = self.local_minimizer.method_name() if 'jac' not in minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs'] and isinstance(self.local_minimizer, GradientMinimizer): # Assign the jacobian minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs']['jac'] = self.local_minimizer.wrapped_jacobian if 'constraints' not in minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs'] and isinstance(self.local_minimizer, ConstrainedMinimizer): # Assign constraints minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs']['constraints'] = self.local_minimizer.wrapped_constraints if 'bounds' not in minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs'] and isinstance(self.local_minimizer, BoundedMinimizer): # Assign bounds minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs']['bounds'] = self.local_minimizer.bounds ans = basinhopping( self.objective, self.initial_guesses, **minimize_options ) if isinstance(ans.message, list): # For some reason this is currently a length one list containing # the message. We check just in case this gets fixed upstream in # future releases. ans.message = ans.message[0] if 'constraints' in minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs']: # Add the constraints to the FitResults ans['constraints'] = self.local_minimizer.constraints return self._pack_output(ans)
[docs]class MINPACK(ScipyBoundedMinimizer, GradientMinimizer): """ Wrapper to scipy's implementation of MINPACK, since it is the industry standard. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.jacobian = None super(MINPACK, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def execute(self, **minpack_options): """ :param \*\*minpack_options: Any named arguments to be passed to leastsqbound """ # These are the corresponding names for OptimizeResult output_names = ['x', 'hess_inv', 'infodic', 'message', 'status'] full_output = leastsqbound( self.objective, # Dfun=self.jacobian, x0=self.initial_guesses, bounds=self.bounds, full_output=True, **minpack_options ) # Translate to standard names for optimize ans = OptimizeResult(zip(output_names, full_output)) ans['fun'] = ans.infodic['fvec'] ans['success'] = 1 <= ans.status <= 4 # These codes are successful ans['nit'] = ans.infodic['nfev'] # Nearest indication of nit. return self._pack_output(ans)