Source code for symfit.distributions

Some common distributions are defined in this module. That way, users can easily build
more complicated expressions without making them look hard.

I have deliberately chosen to start these function with a capital, e.g.
Gaussian instead of gaussian, because this makes the resulting expressions more
import sympy

[docs]def Gaussian(x, mu, sig): """ Gaussian pdf. :param x: free variable. :param mu: mean of the distribution. :param sig: standard deviation of the distribution. :return: sympy.Expr for a Gaussian pdf. """ return sympy.exp(-(x - mu)**2/(2*sig**2))/sympy.sqrt(2*sympy.pi*sig**2)
[docs]def BivariateGaussian(x, y, mu_x, mu_y, sig_x, sig_y, rho): """ Bivariate Gaussian pdf. :param x: :class:`symfit.core.argument.Variable` :param y: :class:`symfit.core.argument.Variable` :param mu_x: :class:`symfit.core.argument.Parameter` for the mean of `x` :param mu_y: :class:`symfit.core.argument.Parameter` for the mean of `y` :param sig_x: :class:`symfit.core.argument.Parameter` for the standard deviation of `x` :param sig_y: :class:`symfit.core.argument.Parameter` for the standard deviation of `y` :param rho: :class:`symfit.core.argument.Parameter` for the correlation between `x` and `y`. :return: sympy expression for a Bivariate Gaussian pdf. """ exponent = - 1 / (2 * (1 - rho**2)) exponent *= (x - mu_x)**2 / sig_x**2 + (y - mu_y)**2 / sig_y**2 \ - 2 * rho * (x - mu_x) * (y - mu_y) / (sig_x * sig_y) return sympy.exp(exponent) / (2 * sympy.pi * sig_x * sig_y * sympy.sqrt(1 - rho**2))
[docs]def Exp(x, l): """ Exponential Distribution pdf. :param x: free variable. :param l: rate parameter. :return: sympy.Expr for an Exponential Distribution pdf. """ return l * sympy.exp(- l * x)
# def Beta(): # sympy.stats.Beta()