Example: Likelihood fitting a Bivariate Gaussian

In this example, we shall perform likelihood fitting to a bivariate normal distribution, to demonstrate how symfit’s API can easily be used to perform likelihood fitting on multivariate problems.

In this example, we sample from a bivariate normal distribution with a significant correlation of \(\rho = 0.6\) between \(x\) and \(y\). We see that this is extracted from the data relatively straightforwardly.

import numpy as np
from symfit import Variable, Parameter, Fit
from symfit.core.objectives import LogLikelihood
from symfit.distributions import BivariateGaussian

x = Variable('x')
y = Variable('y')
x0 = Parameter('x0', value=0.6, min=0.5, max=0.7)
sig_x = Parameter('sig_x', value=0.1, max=1.0)
y0 = Parameter('y0', value=0.7, min=0.6, max=0.9)
sig_y = Parameter('sig_y', value=0.05, max=1.0)
rho = Parameter('rho', value=0.001, min=-1, max=1)

pdf = BivariateGaussian(x=x, mu_x=x0, sig_x=sig_x, y=y, mu_y=y0,
                       sig_y=sig_y, rho=rho)

# Draw 100000 samples from a bivariate distribution
mean = [0.59, 0.8]
corr = 0.6
cov = np.array([[0.11 ** 2, 0.11 * 0.23 * corr],
                [0.11 * 0.23 * corr, 0.23 ** 2]])
xdata, ydata = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, 100000).T

fit = Fit(pdf, x=xdata, y=ydata, objective=LogLikelihood)
fit_result = fit.execute()

This code prints:

Parameter Value        Standard Deviation
    rho       6.026420e-01 2.013810e-03
    sig_x     1.100898e-01 2.461684e-04
    sig_y     2.303400e-01 5.150556e-04
    x0        5.901317e-01 3.481346e-04
    y0        8.014040e-01 7.283990e-04
    Fitting status message: b'CONVERGENCE: REL_REDUCTION_OF_F_<=_FACTR*EPSMCH'
    Number of iterations:   35
    Regression Coefficient: nan