Source code for symfit.core.models

from collections import namedtuple, Mapping, OrderedDict
import warnings
import sys

import sympy
from sympy.core.relational import Relational
import numpy as np
from toposort import toposort
from scipy.integrate import odeint

from .argument import Parameter, Variable
from .support import (
    seperate_symbols, keywordonly, sympy_to_py, partial, cached_property, D

if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
    import inspect as inspect_sig
    import funcsigs as inspect_sig

[docs]def variabletuple(typename, variables, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a :func:`~collections.namedtuple` using :class:`~symfit.core.argument.Variable`'s whoses names will be used as `field_names`. The main reason for using this object is the `_asdict()` method: whereas a ``namedtuple`` initiates such an :class:`collections.OrderedDict` with the ``field_names`` as keys, this object returns a :class:`collections.OrderedDict` which immediately has the ``Variable`` objects as keys. Example:: >>> x = Variable('x') >>> Result = variabletuple('Result', [x]) >>> res = Result(5.0) >>> res._asdict() OrderedDict((x, 5.0)) :param typename: Name of the `variabletuple`. :param variables: List of :class:`~symfit.core.argument.Variable`, to be used as `field_names` :param args: See :func:`~collections.namedtuple` :param kwargs: See :func:`~collections.namedtuple` :return: Type ``typename`` """ def _asdict(self): return OrderedDict(zip(variables, self)) field_names = [ for var in variables] named = namedtuple(typename, field_names, *args, **kwargs) named._asdict = _asdict return named
[docs]class ModelError(Exception): """ Raised when a problem occurs with a model. """ pass
[docs]class BaseModel(Mapping): """ ABC for ``Model``'s. Makes sure models are iterable. Models can be initiated from Mappings or Iterables of Expressions, or from an expression directly. Expressions are not enforced for ducktyping purposes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model): """ Initiate a Model from a dict:: a = Model({y: x**2}) Preferred way of initiating ``Model``, since now you know what the dependent variable is called. :param model: dict of ``Expr``, where dependent variables are the keys. """ if not isinstance(model, Mapping): try: iter(model) except TypeError: # Model is still a scalar model model = [model] # TODO: this will break upon deprecating the auto-generation of # names for Variables. At this time, a DummyVariable object # should be introduced to fulfill the same role. model = {Variable(): expr for expr in model} self._init_from_dict(model)
[docs] @classmethod def as_constraint(cls, constraint, model, constraint_type=None, **init_kwargs): """ Initiate a Model which should serve as a constraint. Such a constraint-model should be initiated with knowledge of another ``BaseModel``, from which it will take its parameters:: model = Model({y: a * x + b}) constraint = Model.as_constraint(Eq(a, 1), model) ``constraint.params`` will be ``[a, b]`` instead of ``[a]``. :param constraint: An ``Expr``, a mapping or iterable of ``Expr``, or a ``Relational``. :param model: An instance of (a subclass of) :class:`~symfit.core.models.BaseModel`. :param constraint_type: When ``constraint`` is not a :class:`~sympy.core.relational.Relational`, a :class:`~sympy.core.relational.Relational` has to be provided explicitly. :param kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments which will be passed on to the init method. """ allowed_types = [sympy.Eq, sympy.Ge, sympy.Le] if isinstance(constraint, Relational): constraint_type = constraint.__class__ constraint = constraint.lhs - constraint.rhs # Initiate the constraint model, in such a way that we take care # of any dependencies instance = cls.with_dependencies(constraint, dependency_model=model, **init_kwargs) # Check if the constraint_type is allowed, and flip the sign if needed if constraint_type not in allowed_types: raise ModelError( 'Only constraints of the type {} are allowed. A constraint' ' of type {} was provided.'.format(allowed_types, constraint_type) ) elif constraint_type is sympy.Le: # We change this to a Ge and flip the sign instance = - instance constraint_type = sympy.Ge instance.constraint_type = constraint_type if len(instance.dependent_vars) != 1: raise ModelError('Only scalar models can be used as constraints.') # self.params has to be a subset of model.params if set(instance.params) <= set(model.params): instance.params = model.params else: raise ModelError('The parameters of ``constraint`` have to be a ' 'subset of those of ``model``.') return instance
[docs] @classmethod def with_dependencies(cls, model_expr, dependency_model, **init_kwargs): """ Initiate a model whose components depend on another model. For example:: >>> x, y, z = variables('x, y, z') >>> dependency_model = Model({y: x**2}) >>> model_dict = {z: y**2} >>> model = Model.with_dependencies(model_dict, dependency_model) >>> print(model) [y(x; ) = x**2, z(y; ) = y**2] :param model_expr: The ``Expr`` or mapping/iterable of ``Expr`` to be turned into a model. :param dependency_model: An instance of (a subclass of) :class:`~symfit.core.models.BaseModel`, which contains components on which the argument ``model_expr`` depends. :param init_kwargs: Any kwargs to be passed on to the standard init method of this class. :return: A stand-alone :class:`~symfit.core.models.BaseModel` subclass. """ model = cls(model_expr, **init_kwargs) # Initiate model instance. if any(var in dependency_model for var in model.independent_vars): # This model depends on the output of the dependency_model, # so we need to work those components into the model_dict. model_dict = model.model_dict.copy() # This is the case for BaseNumericalModel's connectivity_mapping = init_kwargs.get('connectivity_mapping', model.connectivity_mapping) for var in model.independent_vars: if var in dependency_model: # Add this var and all its dependencies. # Walk over all possible dependencies of this # variable until we no longer have dependencies. for symbol in dependency_model.ordered_symbols: # Not everything in ordered_symbols is a key of # model, think e.g. parameters if symbol in dependency_model: if symbol not in model_dict: model_dict[symbol] = dependency_model[symbol] connectivity_mapping[symbol] = dependency_model.connectivity_mapping[symbol] if symbol == var: break # connectivity_mapping in init_kwargs has been updated if it was # present, since python is pass by reference. If it wasn't present, # we are dealing with a type of model that will build its own # connectivity_mapping upon init. model = cls(model_dict, **init_kwargs) return model
[docs] def __len__(self): """ :return: the number of dependent variables for this model. """ return len(self.model_dict)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, var): """ Returns the expression belonging to a given dependent variable. :param var: Instance of ``Variable`` :type var: ``Variable`` :return: The expression belonging to ``var`` """ return self.model_dict[var]
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ :return: iterable over self.model_dict """ return iter(self.model_dict)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ ``Model``'s are considered equal when they have the same dependent variables, and the same expressions for those dependent variables. The same is defined here as passing sympy == for the vars themselves, and as expr1 - expr2 == 0 for the expressions. For more info check the `sympy docs <>`_. :param other: Instance of ``Model``. :return: bool """ if len(self) is not len(other): return False else: for var_1, var_2 in zip(self, other): if var_1 != var_2: return False else: if not self[var_1].expand() == other[var_2].expand(): return False else: return True
[docs] def __neg__(self): """ :return: new model with opposite sign. Does not change the model in-place, but returns a new copy. """ new_model_dict = self.model_dict.copy() for var in self.dependent_vars: new_model_dict[var] *= -1 return self.__class__(new_model_dict)
def _init_from_dict(self, model_dict): """ Initiate self from a model_dict to make sure attributes such as vars, params are available. Creates lists of alphabetically sorted independent vars, dependent vars, sigma vars, and parameters. Finally it creates a signature for this model so it can be called nicely. This signature only contains independent vars and params, as one would expect. :param model_dict: dict of (dependent_var, expression) pairs. """ sort_func = lambda symbol: self.model_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(model_dict.items(), key=lambda i: sort_func(i[0]))) # Everything at the bottom of the toposort is independent, at the top # dependent, and the rest interdependent. ordered = list(toposort(self.connectivity_mapping)) independent = sorted(ordered.pop(0), key=sort_func) self.dependent_vars = sorted(ordered.pop(-1), key=sort_func) self.interdependent_vars = sorted( [item for items in ordered for item in items], key=sort_func ) # `independent` contains both params and vars, needs to be separated self.independent_vars = [s for s in independent if not isinstance(s, Parameter) and not s in self] self.params = [s for s in independent if isinstance(s, Parameter)] try: assert not any(isinstance(var, Parameter) for var in self.dependent_vars) assert not any(isinstance(var, Parameter) for var in self.interdependent_vars) except AssertionError: raise ModelError('`Parameter`\'s can not feature in the role ' 'of `Variable`') # Make Variable object corresponding to each depedent var. self.sigmas = {var: Variable(name='sigma_{}'.format( for var in self.dependent_vars} @cached_property def vars_as_functions(self): """ :return: Turn the keys of this model into :class:`~sympy.core.function.Function` objects. This is done recursively so the chain rule can be applied correctly. This is done on the basis of `connectivity_mapping`. Example: for ``{y: a * x, z: y**2 + a}`` this returns ``{y: y(x, a), z: z(y(x, a), a)}``. """ vars2functions = {} key = lambda arg: [isinstance(arg, Parameter), str(arg)] # Iterate over all symbols in this model in topological order, turning # each one into a function object recursively. for symbol in self.ordered_symbols: if symbol in self.connectivity_mapping: dependencies = self.connectivity_mapping[symbol] # Replace the dependency by it's function if possible dependencies = [vars2functions.get(dependency, dependency) for dependency in dependencies] # sort by vars first, then params, and alphabetically within # each group dependencies = sorted(dependencies, key=key) vars2functions[symbol] = sympy.Function(*dependencies) return vars2functions @cached_property def function_dict(self): """ Equivalent to ``self.model_dict``, but with all variables replaced by functions if applicable. Sorted by the evaluation order according to ``self.ordered_symbols``, not alphabetical like ``self.model_dict``! """ func_dict = OrderedDict() for var, func in self.vars_as_functions.items(): expr = self.model_dict[var].xreplace(self.vars_as_functions) func_dict[func] = expr return func_dict @cached_property def connectivity_mapping(self): """ :return: This property returns a mapping of the interdepencies between variables. This is essentially the dict representation of a connectivity graph, because working with this dict results in cleaner code. Treats variables and parameters on the same footing. """ connectivity = {} for var, expr in self.items(): vars, params = seperate_symbols(expr) connectivity[var] = set(vars + params) return connectivity @property def ordered_symbols(self): """ :return: list of all symbols in this model, topologically sorted so they can be evaluated in the correct order. Within each group of equal priority symbols, we sort by the order of the derivative. """ key_func = lambda s: [isinstance(s, sympy.Derivative), isinstance(s, sympy.Derivative) and s.derivative_count] symbols = [] for symbol in toposort(self.connectivity_mapping): symbols.extend(sorted(symbol, key=key_func)) return symbols @cached_property def vars(self): """ :return: Returns a list of dependent, independent and sigma variables, in that order. """ return self.independent_vars + self.dependent_vars + [self.sigmas[var] for var in self.dependent_vars] @property def bounds(self): """ :return: List of tuples of all bounds on parameters. """ bounds = [] for p in self.params: if p.fixed: if p.value >= 0.0: bounds.append([np.nextafter(p.value, 0), p.value]) else: bounds.append([p.value, np.nextafter(p.value, 0)]) else: bounds.append([p.min, p.max]) return bounds @property def shared_parameters(self): """ :return: bool, indicating if parameters are shared between the vector components of this model. """ if len(self) == 1: # Not a vector return False else: params_thusfar = [] for component in self.values(): vars, params = seperate_symbols(component) if set(params).intersection(set(params_thusfar)): return True else: params_thusfar += params else: return False @property def free_params(self): """ :return: ordered list of the subset of variable params """ return [p for p in self.params if not p.fixed]
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Printable representation of a Mapping model. :return: str """ template = "{}({}; {}) = {}" parts = [] for var, expr in self.items(): # Print every component as a function of only the dependencies it # has. We can deduce these from the connectivity mapping. params_sorted = sorted((x for x in self.connectivity_mapping[var] if isinstance(x, Parameter)), key=lambda x: vars_sorted = sorted((x for x in self.connectivity_mapping[var] if x not in params_sorted), key=lambda x: parts.append(template.format( var, ', '.join([ for x in vars_sorted]), ', '.join([ for x in params_sorted]), expr ) ) return '[{}]'.format(",\n ".join(parts))
def __getstate__(self): # Remove cached_property values from the state, they need to be # re-calculated after pickle. state = self.__dict__.copy() del state['__signature__'] for key in self.__dict__: if key.startswith(cached_property.base_str): del state[key] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self.__signature__ = self._make_signature()
[docs]class BaseNumericalModel(BaseModel): """ ABC for Numerical Models. These are models whose components are generic python callables. """
[docs] @keywordonly(connectivity_mapping=None) def __init__(self, model, independent_vars=None, params=None, **kwargs): """ :param model: dict of ``callable``, where dependent variables are the keys. If instead of a dict a (sequence of) ``callable`` is provided, it will be turned into a dict automatically. :param independent_vars: The independent variables of the model. (Deprecated, use ``connectivity_mapping`` instead.) :param params: The parameters of the model. (Deprecated, use ``connectivity_mapping`` instead.) :param connectivity_mapping: Mapping indicating the dependencies of every variable in the model. For example, a model_dict ``{y: lambda x, a, b: a * x + b}`` needs a connectivity_mapping ``{y: {x, a, b}}``. (Note that the values of this dict have to be sets.) This only has to be provided for the non-symbolic components. The part corresponding to the symbolic components of the model is inferred automatically. """ connectivity_mapping = kwargs.pop('connectivity_mapping') if (connectivity_mapping is None and independent_vars is not None and params is not None): # Make model into a mapping if needed. if not isinstance(model, Mapping): try: iter(model) except TypeError: model = [model] # make model iterable model = {Variable(): expr for expr in model} warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning( '`independent_vars` and `params` have been deprecated.' ' Use `connectivity_mapping` instead.' )) self.independent_vars = sorted(independent_vars, key=str) self.params = sorted(params, key=str) self.connectivity_mapping = {var: set(independent_vars + params) for var in model} elif connectivity_mapping: if not isinstance(model, Mapping): raise TypeError('Please provide the model as a mapping, ' 'corresponding to `connectivity_mapping`.') # Infer the connectivity mapping corresponding to the symbolical # part automatically sub_model = {} for var, expr in model.items(): if isinstance(expr, sympy.Basic): sub_model[var] = expr if sub_model: sub_model = BaseModel(sub_model) # Update with the users input. In case of conflict, this # prioritizes the info given by the user. sub_model.connectivity_mapping.update(connectivity_mapping) connectivity_mapping = sub_model.connectivity_mapping self.connectivity_mapping = connectivity_mapping.copy() else: raise TypeError('Please provide `connectivity_mapping`.') super(BaseNumericalModel, self).__init__(model, **kwargs)
@property def connectivity_mapping(self): return self._connectivity_mapping @connectivity_mapping.setter def connectivity_mapping(self, value): self._connectivity_mapping = value
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): if self.connectivity_mapping != other.connectivity_mapping: return False for key, func in self.model_dict.items(): if func != other[key]: return False return True
[docs] def __neg__(self): """ :return: new model with opposite sign. Does not change the model in-place, but returns a new copy. """ new_model_dict = {} for key, callable_expr in self.model_dict.values(): new_model_dict[key] = lambda *args, **kwargs: - callable_expr(*args, **kwargs) return self.__class__(new_model_dict)
@property def shared_parameters(self): """ BaseNumericalModel's cannot infer if parameters are shared. """ raise NotImplementedError( 'Shared parameters can not be inferred for {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__) )
[docs]class BaseCallableModel(BaseModel): """ Baseclass for callable models. A callable model is expected to have implemented a `__call__` method which evaluates the model. """
[docs] def eval_components(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :return: evaluated lambda functions of each of the components in model_dict, to be used in numerical calculation. """ bound_arguments = self.__signature__.bind(*args, **kwargs) kwargs = bound_arguments.arguments # Only work with kwargs components = dict(zip(self, self.numerical_components)) # Evaluate the variables in topological order. for symbol in self.ordered_symbols: if not in kwargs: dependencies = self.connectivity_mapping[symbol] dependencies_kwargs = { kwargs[] for d in dependencies} kwargs[] = components[symbol](**dependencies_kwargs) return [np.atleast_1d(kwargs[]) for var in self]
[docs] def numerical_components(self): """ :return: A list of callables corresponding to each of the components of the model. """ raise NotImplementedError( ('No `numerical_components` is defined for object of type {}. ' 'Implement either `numerical_components`, or change ' '`eval_components` so it no longer calls ' '`numerical_components`.').format(self.__class__) )
def _get_params(self): return self._params def _set_params(self, value): self._params = value self.__signature__ = self._make_signature() params = property(_get_params, _set_params) # Properties cannot use `super` def _make_signature(self): # Handle args and kwargs according to the allowed names. parameters = [ # Note that these are inspect_sig.Parameter's, not symfit parameters! inspect_sig.Parameter(, inspect_sig.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD) for arg in self.independent_vars + self.params ] return inspect_sig.Signature(parameters=parameters) def _init_from_dict(self, model_dict): super(BaseCallableModel, self)._init_from_dict(model_dict) self.__signature__ = self._make_signature()
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Evaluate the model for a certain value of the independent vars and parameters. Signature for this function contains independent vars and parameters, NOT dependent and sigma vars. Can be called with both ordered and named parameters. Order is independent vars first, then parameters. Alphabetical order within each group. :param args: :param kwargs: :return: A namedtuple of all the dependent vars evaluated at the desired point. Will always return a tuple, even for scalar valued functions. This is done for consistency. """ Ans = variabletuple('Ans', self) return Ans(*self.eval_components(*args, **kwargs))
[docs]class BaseGradientModel(BaseCallableModel): """ Baseclass for models which have a gradient. Such models are expected to implement an `eval_jacobian` function. Any subclass of this baseclass which does not implement its own `eval_jacobian` will inherit a finite difference gradient. """
[docs] @keywordonly(dx=1e-8) def finite_difference(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Calculates a numerical approximation of the Jacobian of the model using the sixth order central finite difference method. Accepts a `dx` keyword to tune the relative stepsize used. Makes 6*n_params calls to the model. :return: A numerical approximation of the Jacobian of the model as a list with length n_components containing numpy arrays of shape (n_params, n_datapoints) """ # See also: scipy.misc.derivative. It might be convinced to work, but # it will make way too many function evaluations dx = kwargs.pop('dx') bound_arguments = self.__signature__.bind(*args, **kwargs) var_vals = [bound_arguments.arguments[] for var in self.independent_vars] param_vals = [bound_arguments.arguments[] for param in self.params] param_vals = np.array(param_vals, dtype=float) f = partial(self, *var_vals) # See also: scipy.misc.central_diff_weights factors = np.array((3/2., -3/5., 1/10.)) orders = np.arange(1, len(factors) + 1) out = [] # TODO: Dark numpy magic. Needs an extra dimension in out, and a sum # over the right axis at the end. # We can't make the output arrays yet, since we don't know the size of # the components. So put a sentinel value. out = None for param_idx, param_val in enumerate(param_vals): for order, factor in zip(orders, factors): h = np.zeros(len(self.params)) # Note: stepsize (h) depends on the parameter values... h[param_idx] = dx * order if abs(param_val) >= 1e-7: # ...but it'd better not be (too close to) 0. h[param_idx] *= param_val up = f(*(param_vals + h)) down = f(*(param_vals - h)) if out is None: # Initialize output arrays. Now that we evaluated f, we # know the size of our data. out = [] # out is a list of length Ncomponents with numpy arrays of # shape (Nparams, Ndata). Part of our misery comes from the # fact that the length of the data may be different for all # the components. Numpy doesn't like ragged arrays, so make # a list of arrays. for comp_idx in range(len(self)): try: len(up[comp_idx]) except TypeError: # output[comp_idx] is a number data_shape = (1,) else: data_shape = up[comp_idx].shape # Initialize at 0 so we can += all the contributions param_grad = np.zeros([len(self.params)] + list(data_shape), dtype=float) out.append(param_grad) for comp_idx in range(len(self)): diff = up[comp_idx] - down[comp_idx] out[comp_idx][param_idx, :] += factor * diff / (2 * h[param_idx]) return out
[docs] def eval_jacobian(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :return: The jacobian matrix of the function. """ Ans = variabletuple('Ans', self) return Ans(*self.finite_difference(*args, **kwargs))
[docs]class CallableNumericalModel(BaseCallableModel, BaseNumericalModel): """ Callable model, whose components are callables provided by the user. This allows the user to provide the components directly. Example:: x, y = variables('x, y') a, b = parameters('a, b') numerical_model = CallableNumericalModel( {y: lambda x, a, b: a * x + b}, connectivity_mapping={y: {x, a, b}} ) This is identical in functionality to the more traditional:: x, y = variables('x, y') a, b = parameters('a, b') model = CallableModel({y: a * x + b}) but allows power-users a lot more freedom while still interacting seamlessly with the :mod:`symfit` API. When mixing symbolical and non-symbolical components, the ``connectivity_mapping`` only has to be provided for the non-symbolical components, the rest are inferred automatically:: x, y, z = variables('x, y, z') a, b = parameters('a, b') model_dict = {z: lambda y, a, b: a * y + b, y: x ** a} mixed_model = CallableNumericalModel( model_dict, connectivity_mapping={z: {y, a, b}} ) """ @cached_property def numerical_components(self): return [expr if not isinstance(expr, sympy.Expr) else sympy_to_py(expr, self.connectivity_mapping[var]) for var, expr in self.items()]
[docs]class CallableModel(BaseCallableModel): """ Defines a callable model. The usual rules apply to the ordering of the arguments: * first independent variables, then dependent variables, then parameters. * within each of these groups they are ordered alphabetically. """ @cached_property def numerical_components(self): """ :return: lambda functions of each of the analytical components in model_dict, to be used in numerical calculation. """ Ans = variabletuple('Ans', self.keys()) # All components must feature the independent vars and params, that's # the API convention. But for those components which also contain # interdependence, we add those vars components = [] for var, expr in self.items(): dependencies = self.connectivity_mapping[var] # vars first, then params, and alphabetically within each group key = lambda arg: [isinstance(arg, Parameter), str(arg)] ordered = sorted(dependencies, key=key) components.append(sympy_to_py(expr, ordered)) return Ans(*components)
[docs]class GradientModel(CallableModel, BaseGradientModel): """ Analytical model which has an analytically computed Jacobian. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GradientModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.jacobian_model = jacobian_from_model(self)
def _set_params(self, value): super(GradientModel, self)._set_params(value) if hasattr(self, 'jacobian_model'): self.jacobian_model.params = value # Properties cannot use `super` unless when used in this way params = property(CallableModel._get_params, _set_params) @cached_property def jacobian(self): """ :return: Jacobian filled with the symbolic expressions for all the partial derivatives. Partial derivatives are of the components of the function with respect to the Parameter's, not the independent Variable's. The return shape is a list over the models components, filled with tha symbolical jacobian for that component, as a list. """ jac = [] for var, expr in self.items(): jac_row = [] for param in self.params: partial_dv = D(var, param) jac_row.append(self.jacobian_model[partial_dv]) jac.append(jac_row) return jac
[docs] def eval_jacobian(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :return: Jacobian evaluated at the specified point. """ eval_jac_dict = self.jacobian_model(*args, **kwargs)._asdict() # Take zero for component which are not present, happens for Constraints jac = [[np.broadcast_to(eval_jac_dict.get(D(var, param), 0), eval_jac_dict[var].shape) for param in self.params] for var in self ] # Use numpy to broadcast these arrays together and then stack them along # the parameter dimension. We do not include the component direction in # this, because the components can have independent shapes. for idx, comp in enumerate(jac): jac[idx] = np.stack(np.broadcast_arrays(*comp)) Ans = variabletuple('Ans', self.keys()) return Ans(*jac)
[docs]class HessianModel(GradientModel): """ Analytical model which has an analytically computed Hessian. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HessianModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.hessian_model = hessian_from_model(self)
def _set_params(self, value): super(HessianModel, self)._set_params(value) if hasattr(self, 'hessian_model'): self.hessian_model.params = value # Properties cannot use `super` unless when used in this way params = property(GradientModel._get_params, _set_params) @property def hessian(self): """ :return: Hessian filled with the symbolic expressions for all the second order partial derivatives. Partial derivatives are taken with respect to the Parameter's, not the independent Variable's. """ return [[[sympy.diff(partial_dv, param) for param in self.params] for partial_dv in comp] for comp in self.jacobian]
[docs] def eval_hessian(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :return: Hessian evaluated at the specified point. """ # Evaluate the hessian model and use the resulting Ans namedtuple as a # dict. From this, take the relevant components. eval_hess_dict = self.hessian_model(*args, **kwargs)._asdict() hess = [[[np.broadcast_to(eval_hess_dict.get(D(var, p1, p2), 0), eval_hess_dict[var].shape) for p2 in self.params] for p1 in self.params] for var in self ] # Use numpy to broadcast these arrays together and then stack them along # the parameter dimension. We do not include the component direction in # this, because the components can have independent shapes. for idx, comp in enumerate(hess): hess[idx] = np.stack(np.broadcast_arrays(*comp)) Ans = variabletuple('Ans', self.keys()) return Ans(*hess)
[docs]class Model(HessianModel): """ Model represents a symbolic function and all it's derived properties such as sum of squares, jacobian etc. Models should be initiated from a dict:: a = Model({y: x**2}) Models are callable. The usual rules apply to the ordering of the arguments: * first independent variables, then parameters. * within each of these groups they are ordered alphabetically. The output of a call to a model is a special kind of namedtuple:: >>> a(x=3) Ans(y=9) When turning this into a dict, however, the dict keys will be Variable objects, not strings:: >>> a(x=3)._asdict() OrderedDict(((y, 9),)) Models are also iterable, behaving as their internal model_dict. For example, ``a[y]`` returns ``x**2``, ``len(a) == 1``, ``y in a == True``, etc. """
[docs]class ODEModel(BaseGradientModel): """ Model build from a system of ODEs. When the model is called, the ODE is integrated using the LSODA package. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model_dict, initial, *lsoda_args, **lsoda_kwargs): """ :param model_dict: Dictionary specifying ODEs. e.g. model_dict = {D(y, x): a * x**2} :param initial: ``dict`` of initial conditions for the ODE. Must be provided! e.g. initial = {y: 1.0, x: 0.0} :param lsoda_args: args to pass to the lsoda solver. See `scipy's odeint <>`_ for more info. :param lsoda_kwargs: kwargs to pass to the lsoda solver. """ self.initial = initial self.lsoda_args = lsoda_args self.lsoda_kwargs = lsoda_kwargs sort_func = lambda symbol: str(symbol) # Mapping from dependent vars to their derivatives self.dependent_derivatives = {d: list(d.free_symbols - set(d.variables))[0] for d in model_dict} self.dependent_vars = sorted( self.dependent_derivatives.values(), key=sort_func ) self.independent_vars = sorted(set(d.variables[0] for d in model_dict), key=sort_func) self.interdependent_vars = [] # TODO: add this support for ODEModels if not len(self.independent_vars): raise ModelError('ODEModel can only have one independent variable.') self.model_dict = OrderedDict( sorted( model_dict.items(), key=lambda i: sort_func(self.dependent_derivatives[i[0]]) ) ) # Extract all the params and vars as a sorted, unique list. expressions = model_dict.values() model_params = set([]) # Only the once's that have a Parameter as initial parameter. # self.initial_params = {value for var, value in self.initial.items() # if isinstance(value, Parameter)} for expression in expressions: vars, params = seperate_symbols(expression) model_params.update(params) # self.independent_vars.update(vars) # Although unique now, params and vars should be sorted alphabetically to prevent ambiguity self.params = sorted(model_params, key=sort_func) # self.params = sorted(self.model_params | self.initial_params, key=sort_func) # self.model_params = sorted(self.model_params, key=sort_func) # self.initial_params = sorted(self.initial_params, key=sort_func) # Make Variable object corresponding to each sigma var. self.sigmas = {var: Variable(name='sigma_{}'.format( for var in self.dependent_vars} self.__signature__ = self._make_signature()
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Printable representation of this model. :return: str """ template = "{}; {}) = {}" parts = [] for var, expr in self.model_dict.items(): parts.append(template.format( str(var)[:-1], ", ".join( for arg in self.params), expr ) ) return "\n".join(parts)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, dependent_var): """ Gives the function defined for the derivative of ``dependent_var``. e.g. :math:`y' = f(y, t)`, model[y] -> f(y, t) :param dependent_var: :return: """ for d, f in self.model_dict.items(): if dependent_var == self.dependent_derivatives[d]: return f
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ :return: iterable over self.model_dict """ return iter(self.dependent_vars)
[docs] def __neg__(self): """ :return: new model with opposite sign. Does not change the model in-place, but returns a new copy. """ new_model_dict = self.model_dict.copy() for key in new_model_dict: new_model_dict[key] *= -1 return self.__class__(new_model_dict, initial=self.initial)
@cached_property def _ncomponents(self): """ :return: The `numerical_components` for an ODEModel. This differs from the traditional `numerical_components`, in that these component can also contain dependent variables, not just the independent ones. Each of these components does not correspond to e.g. `y(t) = ...`, but to `D(y, t) = ...`. The system spanned by these component therefore still needs to be integrated. """ return [sympy_to_py(expr, self.independent_vars + self.dependent_vars + self.params) for expr in self.values()] @cached_property def _njacobian(self): """ :return: The `numerical_jacobian` of the components of the ODEModel with regards to the dependent variables. This is not to be confused with the jacobian of the model as a whole, which is 2D and computed with regards to the dependent vars and the fit parameters, and the ODEModel still needs to integrated to compute that. Instead, this function is used by the ODE integrator, and is not meant for human consumption. """ return [ [sympy_to_py( sympy.diff(expr, var), self.independent_vars + self.dependent_vars + self.params ) for var in self.dependent_vars ] for _, expr in self.items() ]
[docs] def eval_components(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Numerically integrate the system of ODEs. :param args: Ordered arguments for the parameters and independent variables :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for the parameters and independent variables :return: """ bound_arguments = self.__signature__.bind(*args, **kwargs) t_like = bound_arguments.arguments[self.independent_vars[0].name] # System of functions to be integrated f = lambda ys, t, *a: [c(t, *(list(ys) + list(a))) for c in self._ncomponents] Dfun = lambda ys, t, *a: [[c(t, *(list(ys) + list(a))) for c in row] for row in self._njacobian] initial_dependent = [self.initial[var] for var in self.dependent_vars] t_initial = self.initial[self.independent_vars[0]] # Assuming there's only one # Check if the time-like data includes the initial value, because integration should start there. try: t_like[0] except (TypeError, IndexError): # Python scalar gives TypeError, numpy scalars IndexError t_like = np.array([t_like]) # Allow evaluation at one point. # The strategy is to split the time axis in a part above and below the # initial value, and to integrate those seperately. At the end we rejoin them. # np.flip is needed because odeint wants the first point to be t_initial # and so t_smaller is a declining series. if t_initial in t_like: t_bigger = t_like[t_like >= t_initial] t_smaller = t_like[t_like <= t_initial][::-1] else: t_bigger = np.concatenate( (np.array([t_initial]), t_like[t_like > t_initial]) ) t_smaller = np.concatenate( (np.array([t_initial]), t_like[t_like < t_initial][::-1]) ) # Properly ordered time axis containing t_initial t_total = np.concatenate((t_smaller[::-1][:-1], t_bigger)) ans_bigger = odeint( f, initial_dependent, t_bigger, args=tuple( bound_arguments.arguments[] for param in self.params), Dfun=Dfun, *self.lsoda_args, **self.lsoda_kwargs ) ans_smaller = odeint( f, initial_dependent, t_smaller, args=tuple( bound_arguments.arguments[] for param in self.params), Dfun=Dfun, *self.lsoda_args, **self.lsoda_kwargs ) ans = np.concatenate((ans_smaller[1:][::-1], ans_bigger)) if t_initial in t_like: # The user also requested to know the value at t_initial, so keep it. return ans.T else: # The user didn't ask for the value at t_initial, so exclude it. # (t_total contains all the t-points used for the integration, # and so is t_like with t_initial inserted at the right position). return ans[t_total != t_initial].T
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Evaluate the model for a certain value of the independent vars and parameters. Signature for this function contains independent vars and parameters, NOT dependent and sigma vars. Can be called with both ordered and named parameters. Order is independent vars first, then parameters. Alphabetical order within each group. :param args: Ordered arguments for the parameters and independent variables :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for the parameters and independent variables :return: A namedtuple of all the dependent vars evaluated at the desired point. Will always return a tuple, even for scalar valued functions. This is done for consistency. """ Ans = variabletuple('Ans', self) ans = Ans(*self.eval_components(*args, **kwargs)) return ans
def _partial_diff(var, *params): """ Sympy does not handle repeated partial derivation correctly, e.g. D(D(y, a), a) = D(y, a, a) but D(D(y, a), b) = 0. Use this function instead to prevent evaluation to zero. """ if isinstance(var, sympy.Derivative): return sympy.Derivative(var.expr, *(var.variables + params)) else: return D(var, *params) def _partial_subs(func, func2vars): """ Partial-bug proof substitution. Works by making the substitutions on the expression inside the derivative first, and then rebuilding the derivative safely without evaluating it using `_partial_diff`. """ if isinstance(func, sympy.Derivative): new_func = func.expr.xreplace(func2vars) new_variables = tuple(var.xreplace(func2vars) for var in func.variables) return _partial_diff(new_func, *new_variables) else: return func.xreplace(func2vars)
[docs]def jacobian_from_model(model, as_functions=False): """ Build a :class:`~symfit.core.models.CallableModel` representing the Jacobian of ``model``. This function make sure the chain rule is correctly applied for interdependent variables. :param model: Any symbolical model-type. :param as_functions: If `True`, the result is returned using :class:`sympy.core.function.Function` where needed, e.g. ``{y(x, a): a * x}`` instead of ``{y: a * x}``. :return: :class:`~symfit.core.models.CallableModel` representing the Jacobian of ``model``. """ # Inverse dict so we can turn functions back into vars in the end functions_as_vars = dict((v, k) for k, v in model.vars_as_functions.items()) # Create the jacobian components. The `vars` here in the model_dict are # always of the type D(y, a), but the righthand-side might still contain # functions instead of vars depending on the value of `as_functions`. jac = {} for func, expr in model.function_dict.items(): for param in model.params: target = D(func, param) dfdp = expr.diff(param) if as_functions: jac[_partial_subs(target, functions_as_vars)] = dfdp else: # Turn Function objects back into Variables. dfdp = dfdp.subs(functions_as_vars, evaluate=False) jac[_partial_subs(target, functions_as_vars)] = dfdp # Next lines are needed for the Hessian, where the components of model still # contain functions instead of vars. if as_functions: jac.update(model) else: jac.update({y: expr.subs(functions_as_vars, evaluate=False) for y, expr in model.items()}) jacobian_model = CallableModel(jac) return jacobian_model
[docs]def hessian_from_model(model): """ Build a :class:`~symfit.core.models.CallableModel` representing the Hessian of ``model``. This function make sure the chain rule is correctly applied for interdependent variables. :param model: Any symbolical model-type. :return: :class:`~symfit.core.models.CallableModel` representing the Hessian of ``model``. """ jac_model = jacobian_from_model(model, as_functions=True) return jacobian_from_model(jac_model)