Source code for symfit.core.operators

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2020 Martin Roelfs
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Monkey Patching module.

This module makes ``sympy`` Expressions callable, which makes the whole project feel more consistent.
import sys

from sympy import Eq, Ne
from sympy.core.expr import Expr
import sympy
import warnings
from import sympy_to_py, seperate_symbols
from symfit.core.argument import Parameter

if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
    import inspect as inspect_sig
    import funcsigs as inspect_sig

# # Overwrite the behavior opun equality checking. But we want to be able to fall
# # back on default behavior.
# orig_eq = Expr.__class__.__eq__
# orig_ne = Expr.__class__.__ne__
# def eq(self, other):
#     """
#     Hack to get an Eq object back. Seems to work when used this way,
#     but backwards compatibility with sympy is not guaranteed.
#     """
#     if isinstance(other, float) or isinstance(other, int):
#         if abs(other) == 1:
#             # SymPy's printing check for this and might therefore produce an
#             # error for fractions. Therefore we raise a warning in this case and
#             # ask the user to use the Eq object manually.
#             warnings.warn(str(self) + " == -1 and == 1 are not available for constraints. If you used +/-1 as a constraint, please use the symfit.Eq object manually.", UserWarning)
#             return orig_eq(self.__class__, other)
#         else:
#             return Eq(self, other)
#     else:
#         return orig_eq(self.__class__, other)
# def ne(self, other):
#     if isinstance(other, float) or isinstance(other, int):
#         return Ne(self, other)
#     else:
#         return orig_ne(self.__class__, other)

[docs]def call(self, *values, **named_values): """ Call an expression to evaluate it at the given point. Future improvements: I would like if func and signature could be buffered after the first call so they don't have to be recalculated for every call. However, nothing can be stored on self as sympy uses __slots__ for efficiency. This means there is no instance dict to put stuff in! And I'm pretty sure it's ill advised to hack into the __slots__ of Expr. However, for the moment I don't really notice a performance penalty in running tests. p.s. In the current setup signature is not even needed since no introspection is possible on the Expr before calling it anyway, which makes calculating the signature absolutely useless. However, I hope that someday some monkey patching expert in shining armour comes by and finds a way to store it in __signature__ upon __init__ of any ``symfit`` expr such that calling inspect_sig.signature on a symbolic expression will tell you which arguments to provide. :param self: Any subclass of sympy.Expr :param values: Values for the Parameters and Variables of the Expr. :param named_values: Values for the vars and params by name. ``named_values`` is allowed to contain too many values, as this sometimes happens when using \*\*fit_result.params on a submodel. The irrelevant params are simply ignored. :return: The function evaluated at ``values``. The type depends entirely on the input. Typically an array or a float but nothing is enforced. """ independent_vars, params = seperate_symbols(self) # Convert to a pythonic function func = sympy_to_py(self, independent_vars + params) # Handle args and kwargs according to the allowed names. parameters = [ # Note that these are inspect_sig.Parameter's, not symfit parameters! inspect_sig.Parameter(, inspect_sig.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD) for arg in independent_vars + params ] arg_names = [ for arg in independent_vars + params] relevant_named_values = { name: value for name, value in named_values.items() if name in arg_names } signature = inspect_sig.Signature(parameters=parameters) bound_arguments = signature.bind(*values, **relevant_named_values) return func(**bound_arguments.arguments)
# # Expr.__eq__ = eq # # Expr.__ne__ = ne Expr.__call__ = call Parameter.__call__ = call