Source code for symfit.contrib.interactive_guess.interactive_guess

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2020 Martin Roelfs
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ... import ODEModel, Derivative, latex
from import TakesData
from import keywordonly, key2str, deprecated

import itertools

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde


[docs]class InteractiveGuess(TakesData): """A class that provides an graphical, interactive way of guessing initial fitting parameters."""
[docs] @keywordonly(n_points=50, log_contour=True, percentile=(5, 95)) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a matplotlib window with sliders for all parameters in this model, so that you may graphically guess initial fitting parameters. n_points is the number of points drawn for the plot. Data points are plotted as a blue contour plot, the proposed model as a red line. The errorbars on the proposed model represent the percentile of data within the thresholds. Slider extremes are taken from the parameters where possible. If these are not provided, the minimum is 0; and the maximum is value*2. If no initial value is provided, it defaults to 1. This will modify the values of the parameters present in model. :param n_points: The number of points used for drawing the fitted function. Defaults to 50. :type n_points: int :param log_contour: Whether to plot the contour plot of the log of the density, rather than the density itself. If True, any density less than 1e-7 will be considered 0. Defaults to True. :type log_contour: bool :param percentile: Controls the errorbars on the proposed model, such that the lower errorbar will cover percentile[0]% of the data, and the upper will cover percentile[1]%. Defaults to [5, 95], with corresponds to a 90% percentile. Should be a list of 2 numbers. :type percentile: list """ self.log_contour = kwargs.pop('log_contour') n_points = kwargs.pop('n_points') self.percentile = kwargs.pop('percentile') super(InteractiveGuess, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if len(self.independent_data) > 1: self._dimension_strategy = StrategynD(self) else: self._dimension_strategy = Strategy2D(self) # TODO: Some of the code here is specific to the n-D case and should # be moved. self._projections = list(itertools.product(self.model.independent_vars, self.model.dependent_vars)) x_mins = {v: np.min(data) for v, data in self.independent_data.items()} x_maxs = {v: np.max(data) for v, data in self.independent_data.items()} # Stretch the plot 10-20% in the X direction, since that is visually # more appealing. We can't evaluate the model for x < x_initial, so # don't. for x in self.model.independent_vars: plotrange_x = x_maxs[x] - x_mins[x] if not hasattr(self.model, 'initial'): x_mins[x] -= 0.1 * plotrange_x x_maxs[x] += 0.1 * plotrange_x # Generate the points at which to evaluate the model with the proposed # parameters for plotting self._x_points = {v: np.linspace(x_mins[v], x_maxs[v], n_points) for v in self.independent_data} meshgrid = np.meshgrid(*(self._x_points[v] for v in self.independent_data)) self._x_grid = {v: meshgrid[idx].flatten() for idx, v in enumerate(self.independent_data)} # Stretch the plot 20% in the Y direction, since that is visually more # appealing y_mins = {v: np.min(data) for v, data in self.dependent_data.items()} y_maxs = {v: np.max(data) for v, data in self.dependent_data.items()} for y in self.dependent_data: plotrange_y = y_maxs[y] - y_mins[y] y_mins[y] -= 0.1 * plotrange_y y_maxs[y] += 0.1 * plotrange_y self._y_points = {v: np.linspace(y_mins[v], y_maxs[v], n_points) for v in self.dependent_data} self._set_up_figure(x_mins, x_maxs, y_mins, y_maxs) self._set_up_sliders() self._update_plot(None)
[docs] @keywordonly(show=True, block=True) def execute(self, **kwargs): """ Execute the interactive guessing procedure. :param show: Whether or not to show the figure. Useful for testing. :type show: bool :param block: Blocking call to matplotlib :type show: bool Any additional keyword arguments are passed to """ show = kwargs.pop('show') if show: # # Apparently this does something else, # see**kwargs)
def _set_up_figure(self, x_mins, x_maxs, y_mins, y_maxs): """ Prepare the matplotlib figure: make all the subplots; adjust their x and y range; plot the data; and plot an putative function. """ self.fig = plt.figure() # Make room for the sliders: bot = 0.1 + 0.05*len(self.model.params) self.fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=bot) # If these are not ints, matplotlib will crash and burn with an utterly # vague error. nrows = int(np.ceil(len(self._projections)**0.5)) ncols = int(np.ceil(len(self._projections)/nrows)) # Make all the subplots: set the x and y limits, scatter the data, and # plot the putative function. self._plots = {} for plotnr, proj in enumerate(self._projections, 1): x, y = proj if Derivative(y, x) in self.model: title_format = '$\\frac{{\\partial {dependant}}}{{\\partial {independant}}} = {expression}$' else: title_format = '${dependant}({independant}) = {expression}$' plotlabel = title_format.format( dependant=latex(y, mode='plain'), independant=latex(x, mode='plain'), expression=latex(self.model[y], mode='plain')) ax = self.fig.add_subplot(ncols, nrows, plotnr, label=plotlabel) ax.set_title(ax.get_label()) ax.set_ylim(y_mins[y], y_maxs[y]) ax.set_xlim(x_mins[x], x_maxs[x]) ax.set_xlabel('${}$'.format(x)) ax.set_ylabel('${}$'.format(y)) self._plot_data(proj, ax) plot = self._plot_model(proj, ax) self._plots[proj] = plot def _set_up_sliders(self): """ Creates an slider for every parameter. """ i = 0.05 self._sliders = {} for param in self.model.params: if not param.fixed: axbg = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' else: axbg = 'red' # start-x, start-y, width, height ax = self.fig.add_axes((0.162, i, 0.68, 0.03), facecolor=axbg, label=param) val = param.value if not hasattr(param, 'min') or param.min is None: minimum = 0 else: minimum = param.min if not hasattr(param, 'max') or param.max is None: maximum = 2 * val else: maximum = param.max slid = plt.Slider(ax, param, minimum, maximum, valinit=val, valfmt='% 5.4g') self._sliders[param] = slid slid.on_changed(self._update_plot) i += 0.05 def _plot_data(self, proj, ax): """Defers plotting the data to self._dimension_strategy""" return self._dimension_strategy.plot_data(proj, ax) def _plot_model(self, proj, ax): """Defers plotting the proposed model to self._dimension_strategy""" return self._dimension_strategy.plot_model(proj, ax) def _update_specific_plot(self, indep_var, dep_var): """Defers updating the proposed model to self._dimension_strategy""" return self._dimension_strategy.update_plot(indep_var, dep_var) def _update_plot(self, _): """Callback to redraw the plot to reflect the new parameter values.""" # Since all sliders call this same callback without saying who they are # I need to update the values for all parameters. This can be # circumvented by creating a seperate callback function for each # parameter. for param in self.model.params: param.value = self._sliders[param].val for indep_var, dep_var in self._projections: self._update_specific_plot(indep_var, dep_var) def _eval_model(self): """ Convenience method for evaluating the model with the current parameters :return: named tuple with results """ arguments = self._x_grid.copy() arguments.update({param: param.value for param in self.model.params}) return self.model(**key2str(arguments))
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Represent the guesses in a human readable way. :return: string with the guessed values. """ msg = 'Guessed values:\n' for param in self.model.params: msg += '{}: {}\n'.format(, param.value) return msg
[docs]class Strategy2D: """ A strategy that describes how to plot a model that depends on a single independent variable, and how to update that plot. """
[docs] def __init__(self, interactive_guess): self.ig = interactive_guess
[docs] def plot_data(self, proj, ax): """ Creates and plots a scatter plot of the original data. """ x, y = proj ax.scatter(self.ig.independent_data[x], self.ig.dependent_data[y], c='b')
[docs] def plot_model(self, proj, ax): """ Plots the model proposed for the projection proj on ax. """ x, y = proj y_vals = getattr(self.ig._eval_model(), x_vals = self.ig._x_points[x] plot, = ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals, c='red') return plot
[docs] def update_plot(self, indep_var, dep_var): """ Updates the plot of the proposed model. """ evaluated_model = self.ig._eval_model() plot = self.ig._plots[(indep_var, dep_var)] y_vals = getattr(evaluated_model, x_vals = self.ig._x_points[indep_var] plot.set_data(x_vals, y_vals)
[docs]class StrategynD: """ A strategy that describes how to plot a model that depends on a multiple independent variables, and how to update that plot. """
[docs] def __init__(self, interactive_guess): self.ig = interactive_guess
[docs] def plot_data(self, proj, ax): """ Creates and plots the contourplot of the original data. This is done by evaluating the density of projected datapoints on a grid. """ x, y = proj x_data = self.ig.independent_data[x] y_data = self.ig.dependent_data[y] projected_data = np.column_stack((x_data, y_data)).T kde = gaussian_kde(projected_data) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(self.ig._x_points[x], self.ig._y_points[y]) x_grid = xx.flatten() y_grid = yy.flatten() contour_grid = kde.pdf(np.column_stack((x_grid, y_grid)).T) # This is an fugly kludge, but it seems nescessary to make low density # areas show up. if self.ig.log_contour: contour_grid = np.log(contour_grid) vmin = -7 else: vmin = None ax.contourf(xx, yy, contour_grid.reshape(xx.shape), 50, vmin=vmin, cmap='Blues')
[docs] def plot_model(self, proj, ax): """ Plots the model proposed for the projection proj on ax. """ x, y = proj evaluated_model = self.ig._eval_model() y_vals = getattr(evaluated_model, x_vals = self.ig._x_grid[x] plot = ax.errorbar(x_vals, y_vals, xerr=0, yerr=0, c='red') return plot
[docs] def update_plot(self, indep_var, dep_var): """ Updates the plot of the proposed model. """ evaluated_model = self.ig._eval_model() y_vals = getattr(evaluated_model, x_vals = self.ig._x_grid[indep_var] x_plot_data = [] y_plot_data = [] y_plot_error = [] # TODO: Numpy magic # We need the error interval for every plotted point, so find all # the points plotted at x=x_i, and do some statistics on those. # Since all the points are on a grid made by meshgrid, the error # in x will alwys be 0. for x_val in self.ig._x_points[indep_var]: # We get away with this instead of digitize because x_vals is # on a grid made with meshgrid idx_mask = x_vals == x_val xs = x_vals[idx_mask] x_plot_data.append(xs[0]) ys = y_vals[idx_mask] y_plot_data.append(np.mean(ys)) y_error = np.percentile(ys, self.ig.percentile) y_plot_error.append(y_error) x_plot_data = np.array(x_plot_data) y_plot_data = np.array(y_plot_data) y_plot_error = np.array(y_plot_error) xs = np.column_stack((x_plot_data, x_plot_data)) yerr = y_plot_error + y_plot_data[:, np.newaxis] y_segments = np.dstack((xs, yerr)) plot_line, caps, error_lines = self.ig._plots[(indep_var, dep_var)] plot_line.set_data(x_plot_data, y_plot_data) error_lines[1].set_segments(y_segments)
[docs]class InteractiveGuess2D(InteractiveGuess):
[docs] @deprecated(InteractiveGuess) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Deprecated as of 01/06/2017 super(InteractiveGuess2D, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)