Source code for symfit.core.fit_results

from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

[docs]class FitResults(object): """ Class to display the results of a fit in a nice and unambiguous way. All things related to the fit are available on this class, e.g. - parameter values + stdev - R squared (Regression coefficient.) or other fit quality qualifiers. - fitting status message - covariance matrix Contains the attribute `params`, which is an :class:`~collections.OrderedDict` containing all the parameter names and their optimized values. Can be `**` unpacked when evaluating :class:``'s. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, popt, covariance_matrix, infodic, mesg, ier, **gof_qualifiers): """ Excuse the ugly names of most of these variables, they are inherited from scipy. Will be changed. :param model: :class:`` that was fit to. :param popt: best fit parameters, same ordering as in model.params. :param pcov: covariance matrix. :param infodic: dict with fitting info. :param mesg: Status message. :param ier: Number of iterations. :param gof_qualifiers: Any remaining keyword arguments should be Goodness of fit (g.o.f.) qualifiers. """ # Validate the types in rough way self.infodict = infodic self.status_message = mesg self.iterations = ier self.model = model self.gof_qualifiers = gof_qualifiers self._popt = popt self.params = OrderedDict([(, value) for p, value in zip(self.model.params, popt)]) self.covariance_matrix = covariance_matrix
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Pretty print the results as a table. """ res = '\nParameter Value Standard Deviation\n' for p in self.model.params: value = self.value(p) value_str = '{:e}'.format(value) if value is not None else 'None' stdev = self.stdev(p) stdev_str = '{:e}'.format(stdev) if stdev is not None else 'None' res += '{:10}{} {}\n'.format(, value_str, stdev_str, width=20) res += 'Fitting status message: {}\n'.format(self.status_message) res += 'Number of iterations: {}\n'.format(self.infodict['nfev']) try: res += 'Regression Coefficient: {}\n'.format(self.r_squared) except AttributeError: pass return res
[docs] def __getattr__(self, item): """ Return the requested `item` if it can be found in the gof_qualifiers dict. :param item: Name of Goodness of Fit qualifier. :return: Goodness of Fit qualifier if present. """ if 'gof_qualifiers' in vars(self): if item in self.gof_qualifiers: return self.gof_qualifiers[item] raise AttributeError
[docs] def stdev(self, param): """ Return the standard deviation in a given parameter as found by the fit. :param param: ``Parameter`` Instance. :return: Standard deviation of ``param``. """ try: return np.sqrt(self.variance(param)) except AttributeError: # This happens when variance returns None. return None
[docs] def value(self, param): """ Return the value in a given parameter as found by the fit. :param param: ``Parameter`` Instance. :return: Value of ``param``. """ return self.params[]
[docs] def variance(self, param): """ Return the variance in a given parameter as found by the fit. :param param: ``Parameter`` Instance. :return: Variance of ``param``. """ param_number = self.model.params.index(param) try: return self.covariance_matrix[param_number, param_number] except TypeError: # covariance_matrix can be None return None
[docs] def covariance(self, param_1, param_2): """ Return the covariance between param_1 and param_2. :param param_1: ``Parameter`` Instance. :param param_2: ``Parameter`` Instance. :return: Covariance of the two params. """ param_1_number = self.model.params.index(param_1) param_2_number = self.model.params.index(param_2) return self.covariance_matrix[param_1_number, param_2_number]
@staticmethod def _array_safe_dict_eq(one_dict, other_dict): """ Dicts containing arrays are hard to compare. This function uses numpy.allclose to compare arrays, and does normal comparison for all other types. :param one_dict: :param other_dict: :return: bool """ for key in one_dict: try: assert one_dict[key] == other_dict[key] except ValueError as err: # When dealing with arrays, we need to use numpy for comparison if isinstance(one_dict[key], dict): assert FitResults._array_safe_dict_eq(one_dict[key], other_dict[key]) else: assert np.allclose(one_dict[key], other_dict[key]) except AssertionError: return False else: return True
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return FitResults._array_safe_dict_eq(self.__dict__, other.__dict__)